
Nov 12, 2009 22:04

A "let's do this" post ( Read more... )

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Comments 1056

knightcomplex November 13 2009, 22:32:26 UTC
Wars generally only lead to destruction; they've destroyed one world, and they chose to destroy another, places torn down and the strength of many coming together to deactivate (and eventually have removed) the chips in the back of their necks. It turned out as the experiment went on that the reasoning for it was unclear, that they would always be tools, toys, meant to be played with and pawns on a chess board. Once Lelouch realized that they were only meant to be played with, things changed. They changed, their fleeting smiles fading and replaced by cold expressions as they embraced the bloodshed ( ... )


pacifisting November 13 2009, 22:40:36 UTC
Euphemia realizes that while some things change, others stay the same. It's more depressing than anything else, sometimes. People can change- she knows it's possible- her sister, Rolo, Lelouch, Suzaku- they're all proof of that. But what happens when people change too much? Do they stop changing ( ... )


knightcomplex November 13 2009, 22:53:35 UTC
Truthfully, there is no guessing game. He can tell whose hands they belong to; the familiar feeling of guilt surges through him, and he closes his eyes, drawing in a slow breath. It shouldn't have been a world of war for Euphemia. She should have been able to live happily, to go to work and learn how to cook, to spend as much time as she could with the people she loved. This was not the world he intended for her from the moment he realized it was her that one day; she always deserved better ( ... )


pacifisting November 13 2009, 23:03:10 UTC
She can't fault him for anything ( ... )


IC WITH ISHIDA pacifisting December 31 2009, 06:46:14 UTC

She's snuggled in close and tight against Ishida's body, clearly unaware of anything at all besides the snuggling and the warmth and-- ♥]


bow_and_sword December 31 2009, 06:50:33 UTC
[It is familiar. Very familiar. Even for him, because, well. They do fall asleep snuggling on occasion. Or, rather, she does semi-regularly and sometimes he follows suit after staying awake for a while. So. This is fairly comfortable, and nothing registers as unusual. Not the lack of clothes against his skin. Not how easily he's breathing. Not the softness of her skin against his. Well. At least. Not yet.]


pacifisting December 31 2009, 06:56:15 UTC
[And really, it's all fairly innocent snuggling and sleeping and-- well. She can't help it if she does get some thoughts, but they're bad and she tries not to pay attention to them.

Yawning against his shoulder, Euphemia traces her fingers up and down his back, humming quietly; waking up to someone isn't new, really, so she doesn't panic]


bow_and_sword December 31 2009, 07:09:43 UTC
[Of course, being a teenage boy and being strongly attracted to and in love with Euphie, Ishida has those, too, but most usually when he's awake. For him, this halfway point between waking and sleeping is relatively peaceful in comparison to the rapid pace at which his mind usually moves.]

[Under her light touches, though, unrestrained by his conscious stoic manner, he begins to stir, not quite waking yet, but arching a little, unaccustomed still to such physical intimacy.]


...so this post has sweet sex, slut sex, and ... massacre princess. NICE. pacifisting January 7 2010, 08:04:30 UTC
[Still wearing the blood-stained skirt and shirt from earlier, along with a scarf- a familiar one, probably. It's just as bloodstained as everything else, from her shoes to her socks to even bits in her hair, dried, now.

She's not sure whose blood it is, nor does she particularly care- all she cares about is that she knows she's been here so long and there are Japanese out there that she has to kill (Lelouch asked, Lelouch asked her, she couldn't say no, he needed--) and she was stuck in here.

Shaking the bars hard, Euphemia gave up for the moment and curled up in the corner, glowing eyes closed]


:D MAYBE THIS ONE WILL HAVE ALL THREE? /shot bow_and_sword January 7 2010, 08:36:09 UTC
[Ishida is more wounded than he's letting onto the others from his fights with the Arrancar and Starscream's jet form, but he's bandaged himself up, put on a crisp white uniform, and, using Ransotengai, it seems for all the world as if he's perfectly fine.]

[The one who doesn't look it, though, is Euphie. It's his turn, now, to look after her and he enters with a large bowl of warm water and a clean white cloth. He smiles weakly at her as he takes in the sight. He knew she was still in there, watching this all in horror. He knew this wasn't her, but a curse laid upon her. He knew when their powers went away, she would be back to herself. But in the meantime... she needed to be watched, and she was his best friend. He would watch over her. He hated feeling this helpless, being unable to do anything to help her, to free her from the influence of this... but there was nothing anyone could do in her case. Nothing anyone could do but wait.]Euphie? I brought something to help you clean yourself with. It isn't much, but it should hold until ( ... )


SOJFLSKJFKS HIDEOUS pacifisting January 7 2010, 08:40:08 UTC
[There's little interest at first-- he doesn't register in her mind, she can't tell who he is, too lost in the thoughts that she has to-- has to kill the Japanese, and--


Oh, then. Slowly, she sits up, eyes wide, looking at him as she crawls across the dirty ground, smearing the blood-stained skirt with dirt]

Oh, Ishida...

[And for a moment, she looks so cheerful, so pleased that he's here, that it might really be her]


bow_and_sword January 7 2010, 08:43:13 UTC
[He draws close to the bars, kneeling down and setting down the bowl of water and offering her the cloth through the bars. His voice is soft, concerned, his expression pained.]

You shouldn't crawl like that, Euphie.


requiemperor January 16 2010, 06:59:51 UTC
[Lelouch was a young man of not inconsiderable intelligence. He was virtually unmatched at chess, and had, despite his young age, been the only person in history to conquer the entire world, and then manipulate it to his will.]

[Of course, even his considerable knowledge had its gaps, and one of the most pointed areas he was lacking in was precisely what he needed knowledge in to deal with this situation. He wasn't entirely sure whether he wished C.C. were here or not. On one hand, he was able to confide anything in her. On the other, she would likely only laugh at his troubles, be absolutely no help at all, and, if she did anything at all, likely make the situation even more complicated.]

[Given his accomplice wasn't here, he instead turned to someone who might actually be helpful in the situation, and whom he trusted to keep this an absolute secret: Euphie.]

[Somewhat nervously, disliking admitting he needed help with anything, Lelouch hesitated for a moment before knocking on the door before him.]

Euphie? It's me. Do you have a


pacifisting January 16 2010, 07:08:51 UTC
[She's jumpy, still, something she hasn't been able to shake this whole time. After all that's gone on lately, it's maddening to still be terrified of every creak and knock at a door, even if it's one down the hall.

There's no way to stop being so jumpy, though, and she tries to hide it as best as she can with smiles and business, trying to fit back into the old schedule of before.

Lelouch's voice, though, drags her up out of her thoughts, and she lifts her head]

Come in.


requiemperor January 16 2010, 07:14:05 UTC
[Though perhaps to almost anyone else, the normally-composed young man would have seemed perfectly himself, Euphemia was one of the few who knew him well enough to be able to notice the slight agitation in his eyes, the tenseness in the way he moved, the abruptness in the way he closed the door behind him, even if there is a genuine softness in his smile that isn't always there when he's being his charming, affable, silver-tongued self.]

I hope I'm not interrupting anything?


pacifisting January 16 2010, 07:35:15 UTC
[And she does notice, just as she knows she's terribly easy to read in so many ways.

Hopefully, she thinks, he doesn't comment on it. Then again, it's rather stupid to think that as she's debating commenting on him, herself]

Of course not.

[tucks the book she was reading, away, curling her legs under herself to give him room on the bed]


requiemperor January 19 2010, 06:57:54 UTC
“What is it?”

“Something very special. Now, shhhh, I’m trying to figure out my next move!”

“Euphie, I’m not going to play if you don’t tell me what it is we’re playing for.”

“Yes, you will, because if you leave now, you forfeit, and that means I win.”

“That’s not-! You can’t just-! EuphieThe princess was too focused on the pieces right now to bother with his protests as, with a look of purest concentration, she nudged a pawn forward bit by bit ( ... )


pacifisting January 19 2010, 06:58:17 UTC




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