You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

Aug 14, 2008 21:27

In this entry, I will write about the pure brilliance that is The Dark Knight. I will also write about how disappointed I was by Breaking Dawn.

The Dark Knight. )

breaking dawn, the dark knight, reviews

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Comments 4

whitegoldpearls August 15 2008, 04:49:08 UTC
I'm afraid I have never read any of those books so I'm just gonna focus on The Dark Knight. Cause I seriously cannot get that film out of my head ( ... )


infinitiva August 15 2008, 06:54:51 UTC
"4. I miss Heath too :( My favourite Joker moment is the 'magic trick' with the pencil and when he walks out of the hospital in his nurses uniform. Lolz. Oh and of course all his 'wanna know how I got these scars?' stories."

--> Omg exactly my favourite scenes as well!


infinitiva August 15 2008, 06:54:05 UTC
Ok, it's weird because you think exactly like i do:P (great minds, right?;>) So anyway, i loved 'the dark knight' to death, i want it on dvd as soon as it's available, possibly with some extra scenes. Personally i liked Heath and Aaron more than Bale, but that's just me loving bad guys in the movies:P

About 'Breaking Dawn' I can only say- readable. That's all. It had no action, like you said I expected sth with the Volturi, no I did not expect, I wanted sth to happen. Because peaceful solution was sooo predictable. I knew that Bella will save them with her shield the minute they mentioned it exists, and I hated it. I kinda liked the twist with Alice, not the coming back part, but the whole leaving name of a 'document guy'. I would never guess that passports were that big secret of hers.

Ok I better stop typing now otherwise I might never stop complaining:P


gilraenia August 15 2008, 15:19:47 UTC
remind me to respond to this post later XD


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