Concluding the nineteenth-century adventures of two immortal pirate lords, one ex-commodore, and an undead monkey.
Part 1 for header info.
Warning: reckless deviation from recognised pairings and historical events. NC-17.
Hector Barbossa, Self Portrait in a Fairly Big Hat (
Make for the Mediterranean... )
Comments 40
Gods, but you're good with the throwaway lines! Both of these;
“Aye! Line up the narwhal with the mermaid’s middle titty an’…”
Norrington wasn't sure Jack could share a bag of sweets without provoking several scandals
nearly got me in trouble at werk.
Mad painter Barbossa. Seductive and still (even after all these years) piratical Sparrow. Wary and back-footed Norrington. And as for the actual ahem Sparringtossa? Yeah, that worked too... ;)
More confusing still, Norrington suspected his own heart was once again disobeying orders, or at least refusing to listen to common sense.
Ahhhh, lovely.
This was a brilliantly inspired idea that I thoroughly enjoyed - good show!
For some reason I keep forgetting that they never actually meet. Still, now you've mentioned it - oh God yes!
Commodore in the king's navy: the price of a mid-range commission and romancing the governor's daughter.
Undead pirate: a chest of cursed gold and years of looting and pillaging.
The snark that could occur? Priceless...
"I'm James," he said. "Just James, Jack."
Kind of like starting all over again.
Just amazing, as is all your work. Many thanks for this!
I'm glad the ending comes across as a new beginning. That's what I was going for. James had such a raw deal in AWE, I thought it would be nice to give him a fresh start with a pretty pirate.
Thanks for sticking with me and leaving comments.
That was exactly why I wrote that short fic, Second Chances, and from the comments I got it seems the vast majority of fans feel very much the same.
One day soon I need to do a recs post, and this will certainly be on it. I still can't get over the idea of Barbossa being Van Gogh. And Jack with his gleefully illicit printshop and his funny pseudonym. And James, baffled and honorable. He deserves some happiness, and the end of the story is just the beginning.
Fabulous work, as always.
“Aye! Line up the narwhal with the mermaid’s middle titty an’…”
Norrington had never seen Sparrow taken aback in mid flow before. It was rather sweet.
I'm in love with that, and this fic.
Jack's understanding of Barbossa ("..he needs to win...") is perfection, as is Norrington's stoic bemusement throughout the course of the story. There's nothing better than Jack in his finest moments of artful dodging, and he's spot on amazing here.
"Eternity's a long time, mate. I 'xpect I'll tire of you now an' again. Love Jack being honest, and I suspect Norrington will opt for immortality - he'd never, ever, be bored ( ... )
I don't plan to continue (though you never know), but I'm hoping to twist fandomfan's arm and get her to write some of the things she thought were going to be in Part 3, but they weren't. You could help me twist...
Thanks again for reading and commenting.
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