Concluding the nineteenth-century adventures of two immortal pirate lords, one ex-commodore, and an undead monkey.
Part 1 for header info.
Warning: reckless deviation from recognised pairings and historical events. NC-17.
Hector Barbossa, Self Portrait in a Fairly Big Hat (
Make for the Mediterranean... )
Jack, in his eternal Jackness! (Is he related to Tom Sawyer somehow?) There's hope I'll eventually run into him in some Port Aransas bar, or maybe a bit further south at Port Mansfield . Turns out, Hope (in my er, heart) and (of) Jack spring eternal!
"wasn't sure Jack could share a bag of sweets without provoking several scandals" too much is never enough.
"He is," replied Jack instantly. "And we can. Jack preened and snuggled." obvious, subtle, Jack is delicious, resplendent, all you need is love.
I'm a'feared my love of sea mammals will never be the same, narwhal's *snort*.
Thank you ever so for the naughties (shocking of course, tho I am well read) and Jack's relationships. He's made a vast and loving family through talented capable gentle ones as you and so I remain enchanted as from that very first sight. Thank you.
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