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Re: Being Human, George/Mitchell, scars, domesticity, PG ozmissage April 19 2010, 13:23:23 UTC
If it were possible to hire you to write George/Mitchell fics for me everyday, I would do it.

OMG. This is so insanely adorable and perfect. I love how comfortable they are with each other and they're snuggling in bed on a Sunday morning! *hugs*

Mitchell's voice is so wonderful here and his view of George and his scars (!!!) was perfect. This bit in particular made me squee all over myself because matching his breathing to George's manages to be both incredibly hot and the sweetest thing I've ever heard:

A wave of peace washes over him as they match up, George's dozing breaths with his forced ones, and he stays like that for a while, too long. This is what life should be. This is comfort.

Thank you so much for this! What a wonderful way to start my Monday. :)


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Re: annie/mitchell, kissing ozmissage April 19 2010, 13:28:19 UTC
Guh. Reunion kisses are amazing things and this one is perfect. Mitchell feels so desperately happy here I just want to hug him. And Annie! I love the way you describe her, her laughter and her pretend scolding, it feels absolutely right.

Thank you so much for this! :)


LOST, Sawyer/Juliet, Hot Days and Domesticity phelipa April 19 2010, 18:10:49 UTC
It is disgustingly hot.

Disgustingly.He’s lounging on the couch in just jeans, clutching a sweating glass of lemonade that is now dilute because of the amount of ice he’s had to put in to keep it cool. There’s a book on his lap but it’s too hot to read, too hot to move, too hot to do much of anything ( ... )


Re: LOST, Sawyer/Juliet, Hot Days and Domesticity ozmissage April 19 2010, 22:01:53 UTC
She had ice in her mouth...

That she then put on his chest...


That was hot and adorable. I love that Juliet clearly wants to have sex, but he's so hot that he can't even think about it. And she suggests shower sex! *dies*

But I think my favorite part was poor Sawyer.

He’s going to kill himself for what he’s about to say but the thought of hot, sweaty sex while the tiny yellow house is acting like an oven is making his temperature sky rocket. He can’t even say it, just gives her this pathetic ass look until she laughs,

This was perfect! Thank you so much. <3


Re: LOST, Sawyer/Juliet, Hot Days and Domesticity phelipa April 20 2010, 00:33:59 UTC
Hahaha, I'm glad you liked it!! It was just too good of a prompt to pass up and DHARMA, how I miss you :(
I thought about taking it further with the ice but then it would have been epically long and no longer comment fic ;)
THank you for the compliments :)


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Re: mad men, peggy/pete, kissing ozmissage April 19 2010, 22:09:19 UTC

Excuse me for a minute, I have to go pick my jaw up off the floor.

DUDE. This is fantastic. You write these two perfectly, the way Peggy pulls away, the way she puts on a act, and that kind of puppy dog thing Pete does. And I kind of love that he takes these risks in front of Trudy (that makes me a bad person right?)

Also the hotness. OMG, the hotness.

And this is made of win:
He finishes the iced tea for her.

GUH. Thank you so much for this!


Frank/Sun, kissing Pt 1 aurilly April 19 2010, 20:21:52 UTC
**This spiralled waaaaay out of control and away from the prompt**

They’re running out of gas and people are jumping and ol’ crazy eyes is yelling about a bomb, but Frank is a man, and even when the world is falling down around them, men notice women. She’s a pretty, almost ethereal (Frank doesn’t usually think in such airy-fairy terms, but this bird deserves special treatment), and even though shit is going to hell, it must be his lucky day, because she appears to be a friend of his passengers.

Within seconds, it turns out to be his most unlucky day. The Asian guy they leave to his death is her husband. Not only was she married, but he’s the reason she isn’t anymore.

Sun spends the week on the boat giving Jack and Kate the stink-eye, but for some reason she doesn’t seem to blame Frank, the pilot, the one actually responsible. She actually talks to him, as much as she talks to Hurley or Sayid or Desmond, even though he doesn’t deserve it. They chat about little bits of nothingness: about the island, and the Others, and her ( ... )


Re: Frank/Sun, kissing Pt 2 aurilly April 19 2010, 20:22:50 UTC
He waits another year and a half. It’s the decent thing to do, and Frank is nothing if not decent ( ... )


Re: Frank/Sun, kissing Pt 3 aurilly April 19 2010, 20:23:53 UTC
Later, he knocks on a door in a scarily glamorous apartment building, and Sun opens it, dressed in a suit and looking nothing like the beautifully bedraggled woman he knew on The Searcher. She stares expressionlessly for a second, as though sizing him up, and then a hint of a smile stretches her tightly pressed lips ( ... )


Re: Frank/Sun, kissing Pt 3 ozmissage April 19 2010, 22:24:59 UTC
Please feel free to let your fics spiral out of control anytime you want because this is absolutely brilliant.

Your Frank voice is a thing of beauty. I love that he notices her in the midst of the craziness of season four and that they talk and he can't stop thinking about her.

The part where he can still feel her fingers pressed against his back long after she's gone? That did funny things to my heart.

In the end, he finds a young secretary with a weakness for sweaty, blue-eyed pilots.

THIS. OMG, I feel like that secretary is all of us because who wouldn't give Frank exactly what he wants? ;)

And then there was hand kissing and cheek kissing which are like bullet proof kinks for me. It's such a charming gesture.

This whole fic is so beautiful and feels so real. I'm just going to go ahead and call it canon.

Thank you so, so much for writing this! It's amazing. :D


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