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Re: Frank/Sun, kissing Pt 3 aurilly April 19 2010, 20:23:53 UTC
Later, he knocks on a door in a scarily glamorous apartment building, and Sun opens it, dressed in a suit and looking nothing like the beautifully bedraggled woman he knew on The Searcher. She stares expressionlessly for a second, as though sizing him up, and then a hint of a smile stretches her tightly pressed lips.

“If I hadn’t known you were coming, I would not have recognized you. You look different without your beard.” She always had a knack for saying it like it was; Frank never knew if it was lack of native English fluency or just her personality.

“That was just something I was trying out back then when I didn’t have a real job,” he replies as she ushers him in. He hopes that ‘different’ means ‘better’.

This sleek, modernist apartment is just as jarring as her suit. Just as Frank’s wondering to himself what the hell he’s doing here, Sun asks, “So what brings you here? Is everything okay?”

“Everything’s fine. I just wanted to check on you.”

Sun studies him again and then leans in to give him a little peck on the cheek that quickly turns into a full-body hug. Sun grips Frank much more tightly than he expected, and he has a feeling she’s repressing the urge to burst into tears.

“Thank you,” she whispers into his shirt pocket.

It should be the most awkward experience of his life, but Frank’s suddenly oddly at home. Ill-advised as this visit was, Frank’s glad now that he came.

“Where’s the rugrat?” he asks, still holding her.

“She’s asleep. Come, I will show her to you. But shhhh…” Sun wraps her tiny hand around his and leads him to the other end of the apartment. She pushes the door in a little to show a sweet toddler fast asleep. She’s the spitting image of the poor screaming bastard who haunts Frank’s nightmares. At the sight of her, whatever crazy fantasies Frank had entertained about this visit are gone; the guilt is back and he wonders how he ever thought he could deserve to make a move.

When Sun closes the door again, Frank says, “She’s beautiful.”

“Thank you. Would you like something to drink?”

“Sure,” he says, hoping that she’ll give him lemonade or something, because he’s still getting over that whiskey.

“How long are you here for?” Sun asks on the way to kitchen. She gestures for him to go out on the balcony, where he finds two lounge chairs.

“Just a few days.”

“Where are you staying?” she asks next, just before reappearing on the balcony with a tray holding two glasses and a bottle of that fancy French-looking pink lemonade he’s seen sometimes in expensive airplane bars.

Frank shrugs, watching as she pours them both a drink. “Some hotel near the airport. I have no idea what it’s called.”

Sun shakes her head and takes his hand again. “No you aren’t. You’re staying here, for as long as you want. I can show you around the city tomorrow, if you like.”

Frank isn’t sure what comes over him, but he takes advantage of their already joined hands to bring hers to his lips. He kisses the soft skin lightly, fixing blue eyes on brown. “Thanks, Sun.”

“It’s my pleasure. I have often thought about how nice it would be to see you.”

“I’m really sorry,” he blurts out, apropos of nothing. The sweet way she’s looking at him, how nice she’s being---he doesn’t deserve it and he feels like he’s the only one who sees the elephant in the room.

“It wasn’t your fault. I don’t blame you,” she says, and then bends over to return his hand kiss with another one on the cheek. Frank feels his face turn red.

He breathes a sigh of relief on his own behalf and tries not to get too excited, but something hard in her voice makes him afraid for the people she does hold responsible.


Re: Frank/Sun, kissing Pt 3 ozmissage April 19 2010, 22:24:59 UTC
Please feel free to let your fics spiral out of control anytime you want because this is absolutely brilliant.

Your Frank voice is a thing of beauty. I love that he notices her in the midst of the craziness of season four and that they talk and he can't stop thinking about her.

The part where he can still feel her fingers pressed against his back long after she's gone? That did funny things to my heart.

In the end, he finds a young secretary with a weakness for sweaty, blue-eyed pilots.

THIS. OMG, I feel like that secretary is all of us because who wouldn't give Frank exactly what he wants? ;)

And then there was hand kissing and cheek kissing which are like bullet proof kinks for me. It's such a charming gesture.

This whole fic is so beautiful and feels so real. I'm just going to go ahead and call it canon.

Thank you so, so much for writing this! It's amazing. :D


Re: Frank/Sun, kissing Pt 3 aurilly April 20 2010, 12:19:09 UTC
Whew! I'm so glad you liked it. I've been shipping them so hard, but this is the first time I've tried writing either of them, and this seemed like a nice, canon-compliant scenario to start with. :)


Re: Frank/Sun, kissing Pt 3 30_rock_office April 30 2010, 15:37:44 UTC
I love Frank/Sun! And you're doing a wonderful job. :)


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