Title: another year older Pairing: Stefan/Caroline/Tyler Rating: R Words: 973 Disclaimer: Not mine. Summary: Birthdays come but once a year. A/N: For the lovely crickets. <3
Ahhh this is wonderful! So sweet and hot and soul-crushing all in one ;) I LOVE the scene with Caroline and Stefan and the cake. Too cute. And oh man that ending, ouch :( But so lovely. SO thrilled you're writing these three more <3
Wow. I don't know what to say. This was perfect. And sad. Oh, so sad. I pretty much love Tyler's birthday on the full moon, and the cake, and poor Caroline, and everything.
THANK YOU. I need to write this trio again. There definitely needs to be more of them.
Comments 12
So sweet and hot and soul-crushing all in one ;)
I LOVE the scene with Caroline and Stefan and the cake. Too cute.
And oh man that ending, ouch :(
But so lovely. SO thrilled you're writing these three more <3
THANK YOU. I need to write this trio again. There definitely needs to be more of them.
I need to write this trio again. There definitely needs to be more of them.
I concur. ;)
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