Title: another year older Pairing: Stefan/Caroline/Tyler Rating: R Words: 973 Disclaimer: Not mine. Summary: Birthdays come but once a year. A/N: For the lovely crickets. <3
This was fantastic. I can totally see these three making it for the long haul.
It's going in my mems.
Fave thing ever is the cake. Saddest thing ever is Tyler no longer being able to remember them.
I also really loved the idea of Elena and Bonnie kinda getting away. It's as it should be. Do bear in mind that I say all this without having seen the last 8 episodes of season 2. I wonder if my opinion will change after that? *g*
Comments 12
It's going in my mems.
Fave thing ever is the cake. Saddest thing ever is Tyler no longer being able to remember them.
I also really loved the idea of Elena and Bonnie kinda getting away. It's as it should be. Do bear in mind that I say all this without having seen the last 8 episodes of season 2. I wonder if my opinion will change after that? *g*
The last part of s2 was terrific, especially ep. 21.
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