Lost Fic: the dying of the light (Jack)

Feb 23, 2011 00:03

Title: the dying of the light
Character: Jack
Rating: PG-13 (character death)
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: There’s no time to wonder if it was worth it, no time to wonder if this is a good death.
A/N: Written for lost_in_108 challenge #73 “light”.

The end rushes up to meet him. )

lost_in_108, fic: jack, fic:lost

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Comments 12

crickets February 23 2011, 05:18:15 UTC
Aw jack. I really liked this. Sad.


ozmissage February 23 2011, 20:10:35 UTC
Thank you! :)


zelda_zee February 23 2011, 07:15:58 UTC


ozmissage February 23 2011, 20:10:56 UTC
Thank you so much! :)


pann_cake February 23 2011, 17:40:19 UTC
This is so sad. :(( But it rings so true to Jack, and I like the little glimpses he has of the sideways world before he dies. And Vincent! *cries*


ozmissage February 23 2011, 20:11:24 UTC
Aww, thank you! :)


hintofawhisper February 23 2011, 23:06:52 UTC
Oh, beautiful. Jack's death scene will never cease to move me and you wrote this so well. It's very moving. This part in particular brought a lump to my throat:

They’re all there; the ones he loved, the ones he hated, the ones he’s dying for, they stand with him---just synapses flickering, he realizes. Life flashing before his eyes. It’s a nice dream.

And "he lets go" is a great way to end it, especially for Jack and how much those words mean when it comes to him.

Great job. :)


ozmissage February 23 2011, 23:30:13 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked it. :)


irishunicorn03 February 24 2011, 16:27:47 UTC
I saw this prompt and my thoughts immediately went to Jack and I was hoping someone would write about him. His death never fails to bring me to tears and this is a wonderful and beautiful look into his last moments.


ozmissage February 24 2011, 21:22:04 UTC
Thank you so much! :)


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