Title: the dying of the light
Character: Jack
Rating: PG-13 (character death)
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: There’s no time to wonder if it was worth it, no time to wonder if this is a good death.
A/N: Written for
lost_in_108 challenge #73 “light”.
The end rushes up to meet him.
He tastes blood at the back of his throat, vision blurring as the plane disappears, up, up, and away---out of sight. There’s no time to wonder if it was worth it, no time to wonder if this is a good death.
And then he sees the light.
They’re all there; the ones he loved, the ones he hated, the ones he’s dying for, they stand with him---just synapses flickering, he realizes. Life flashing before his eyes. It’s a nice dream.
In the here and now, he feels the dog settle beside him, knows this is it.
He lets go.