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a shiver down his spine, 200 words, RPS trillingstar January 9 2010, 08:41:26 UTC
The phone on his nightstand vibrates.

"Hey, bitch."

"Chris?" Lee sits up, rubs at his eyes. "What's up?"

Chris laughs. "Haven't you heard the news, prag? We're having a reunion."

Lee barks out an answering laugh. "You're fucking kidding me."

"I told you," Chris says. "Ratings are in the shitter."

"Yeah, but..." Lee protests.

"But nothing," Chris says. "Let me in so we can run lines."

"Lines?" Lee repeats doubtfully. "Figured you'd throw me against a wall and we'd ad lib from there."

The doorbell buzzes.

"I'll ad your lib," Chris growls.

"Kinky," Lee says, hanging up.

Chris stalks inside the moment the door opens, bringing with him a wild energy.

Lee raises an eyebrow. "Chris... Keller?"

Chris smiles, all teeth. He grabs at Lee, yanking him closer, loving his excited gasp. The familiar way they fit together sends a shiver down his spineHe takes his time with the kiss, licking into Lee's mouth, the soft touch of tongues making his dick hard. Chris holds Lee tight, pressing kisses to Lee's neck and bare ( ... )


welcome home...double drabble plus lisacali January 9 2010, 16:41:37 UTC
As the cab stops in front of the apartment building, he rubs his damp palms over the front of his jeans and considers telling the driver to just keep going. Toby had wanted to pick him up, but Chris had chosen the bus and taxi, knowing he’d need this time to decompress and soak in the fact that he was free. After his own parole, it had taken Toby only three years to get him out - a fucking miracle. Even more of a miracle - the fact that Toby still wanted him ( ... )


swinging the other way, 150 words cmk418 January 10 2010, 00:54:13 UTC
Eleanor, Diane, Gloria, Claire. And then there was Susan, Lila, Corinne, Natasha, Mitzi, Liz, and Simone. There were others too. Brief moments in time. A date at a decent restaurant, a story about his childhood in Attica, and, after a bit of negotiation, back to his place for a tumble in the sheets.

They were his life up until a few weeks ago. Now, he understood the expression swinging the other way because his life at this point was in turnaround. It was sitting on the couch in his apartment, watching the game and not saying anything. It was stubble instead of smooth skin, the taste of pizza and forgotten beers, sweat and musk, strong arms and broad shoulders. It was immediate, a moment of eye contact or the touch of a hand, no negotiation necessary.

There was a list of women. But there’d only always been one man.



back to his place for a tumble in the sheets, 204 words levitatethis January 10 2010, 04:37:16 UTC
How’s that saying go - been around the block?

And the other one - never met a pussy he didn’t want to fuck?

And he did fuck a lot of them. Even Howell’s, but he’s pretty sure she worked some devil mojo to make him do it. That bitch was not fucking right in the head.

Most of his conquests weren’t particularly difficult. All were ready and willing, and just thinking about their response to him - flushed skin, deepening breaths, speeding heartbeats, peaked nipples, moans - makes him hard.

But the ache for release comes with the one can’t have, at least not yet.

Gloria - just beyond his grasp she is the brilliant light at the end of the tunnel which threatens to ensnare him. She thrums his body and mind with seismic vibrations, twists his soul, and renders him enthralled. She’s unlike the others and doesn’t deserve to be demeaned in the same breath. With her it’s not about going back to his place for a tumble in the sheets. It’s about the consuming fire of forever, the declaration of eternity, the sacrifice of bitter logic ( ... )


a pussy, 150 words trillingstar January 12 2010, 14:04:28 UTC
"Aren't you beautiful," Eddie murmurs into the brunette's ear, and she arches under him, thighs clasped around his waist, ankles locked behind his ass.

Eddie found her after last call at Julie's, down by the boardwalk. Usually he's not left scraping the bottom of the barrel like that, but the first girl he'd picked out ralphed on the table. That stench? Killed his boner dead.

Whatever, this girl's got a pussy, and he's eight inches in. They twist so she's on top and he stares at her bouncing tits. Grabbing them, he lets them smack against his palms each time she lifts up and falls back down. He rubs his thumbs over her big nipples and she cries out.

"Yeah, that's right," he purrs, 'cause personal rule, Eddie doesn't come until his lady's satisfied. He thrusts, hard, loving how she trembles, tightens around his dick.

On cue, she shivers, comes.


Beautiful, 100 words ozsaur January 18 2010, 03:48:17 UTC
The day Eddie figured out that he didn't have a death wish, he lost a friend. As he took the cross from around Faye's neck, peace settled over her and she became the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

It didn't matter that he'd only known her for a couple of hours. It didn't matter that she wasn't the kind of woman that he could ever have more than a friendly one-night stand with. It didn't matter that he hadn't had the guts to stay with her.

All that mattered was that in her last moments, he found grace.


grace, 100 words trillingstar January 18 2010, 04:15:28 UTC
Elliot, she says, her voice soft. It's late, that's why. Kids are sleeping. He knows this, saw them asleep. That helped.

He strips out of his clothes, crawls into bed, wraps her up in his arms, holds her close against his chest. She's relaxed in a way he barely remembers.

They almost don't have sex. He's content to lie against the pillows, holding his wife, listening to her breathing. Slowly, the tenseness dissipates.

He thought he was here for comfort, but when she presses his hand to her breast, he knows he's here for more. Love, peace, grace. Forgiveness. Home.


"waiting for a sign", 100 words severina2001 January 11 2010, 02:26:39 UTC
All those hours with Said, discussing the nature of God, trying desperately to come to terms with the true concepts of guilt and forgiveness, and Toby never realized that what he’d really been doing was waiting for a sign.

He understands now that he’d been counting on something like a particular song suddenly playing on the radio in Sister Pete’s office. Not Keller crouching over his body, murmuring you’re gonna be okay and hold on and don’t leave me while blood streams through his fingers and pools on the gym floor.

God always has a few surprises up His sleeve.


commandeering genius, 100 Words numenora January 13 2010, 06:29:16 UTC
You could’ve knock him over with a feather. Everything he knew or believed he wasn’t so sure about anymore. He was always so much smarter and greater than everybody else; a beacon of commandeering genius for his brethren to look up to and to follow.

But, now, he couldn’t see any of that. There have been those who said a person’s life flashes before his eyes when he’s dying and he’d always believed it. Now, he realizes that was a lie, too. As the pain slammed through his chest, all he saw was Bitcher and that traitor Keller out-smarting him.


"excited gasp", 100 words severina2001 January 15 2010, 18:18:34 UTC
I can’t stop touching him.

It’s about being able to smell his hair when he leans across the chess board, and about running my fingernails down his arm when he stands at the sink brushing his teeth. It’s about seeing the way he shivers at my touch and looks at me with those wide, trusting eyes. It’s about every excited gasp and breathless moan that I can wring from him with my hands, my mouth, my dick.

It’s the way he says my name.


Like I’m something special.

It’s about making him mine. But mostly, it’s about being his.


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