The Good, The Bad and The Oz Drabble Tree

May 13, 2016 15:19

The First Ever Oz Drabble Tree, The Return of Oz Drabble Tree, The Little Oz Drabble Tree That Could, Are You There God? It's Oz Drabble Tree, Oz Drabble Tree Knows Best, In Oz Drabble Tree, No One Can Hear You Scream, This Is An Emergency Oz Drabble Tree, Please, Sir, May I Have Another Oz Drabble Tree?, Leggo My Oz Drabble Tree, Come With Oz Drabble Tree If You Want to Live, and Waiter, There's an Oz Drabble Tree In My Soup, The Ides Of Oz Drabble Tree, Oz Drabble Tree Gives Love a BAD NAME!.

The Rules

1. Oz characters, please. Crossovers with the usual suspects are also welcome (SVU, Wanted, Homicide, Fringe, Lost, The Wire, The Unusuals, etc).

2. Het, slash, gen. Any character or pairing. It's all good.

3. Drabble (100 words) is a suggestion. You won't get shanked if you do a double drabble or it runs a bit long.

4. Your drabble must be posted as a comment to this entry.

5. Include a word, phrase or sentence from a previous drabble in the tree. Put it in the subject line and bold it in your drabble.

6. You can riff on any drabble in the tree. Just reply to the drabble you're riffing from.

7. Write as many drabbles as you want.

8. Drabbles only, please. No comments. Show your appreciation by jumping off someone else's drabble.

9. You can leave comments for the writers at the announcement post at oz_rapsheet.

10. The Drabble Tree will run for a week or two; if there's enough interest, we'll keep it running longer. When it's over, post your drabbles to your own LJ and/or archive them.

11. RPS is allowed; please put RPS in the header of your drabble. If you don't want to read RPS, then pay attention to the headers. (Apparently, LJ had their subject line back! Yay!)

12. Have fun! :D

Starter Ficlet

The caravan of buses picks up a police escort right outside city limits, and it's not long after that they're turning down a long road lined with high fencing. The ride's lasted at least a couple hours, long enough that people've already yelled and whined about being thirsty, and having to piss, about leg cramps, and all kinds of shit that the bus drivers and the guards completely ignore. Ryan's on the same bus as his dad, who's in and out of consciousness, and Beecher, who's been alternating between pensive silence and muffled laughter. Seems like he's contemplating a return to insanity. Then again, his boyfriend did just make a post-mortem delivery right to their door and a fuckin' biological weapon to boot. All those Aryans stacked high on top of Schillinger in one last sicko declaration of love, or whatever that game was that they ran on each other.

Finally, they stop at the first of a series of long buildings that look like warehouses, lined up on the outskirts of another huge complex complete with guard towers and searchlights, and all of it in the middle of fucking nowhere. The sounds of hushed conversations and leg irons clinking together fill the bus; everyone's restless, eager to see where they are and who they know. Standing up at the front, Murphy does a headcount - and where the fuck would any of them have gone - and confers with the driver. He leaves, comes back, consults a clipboard, and then leaves again. The bus stays parked, and from outside, Murphy yells, "Up and off, welcome to your new home, boys!"

Thank you trillingstar for writing the Starter Ficlet!

The Good, The Bad and The Oz Drabble Tree is now CLOSED!!! Thank you all for participating!

ch: drabble tree

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