Happy Awesome Friends Day!

Feb 14, 2013 21:36

♥ There are many wonderful valentine messages here. Reading them all fills me with warm fuzzy feelings (and thank you to everyone who left me a message - you've made my day!). I wanted to do a 'comment here and I'll say something nice about you' thing, but I'm British, and hopeless at doing that without the safe veil of anonymity! So I shall ( Read more... )

psa, recipes, fandom: chicago fire, fandom: supernatural

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Comments 20

slb44 February 14 2013, 23:02:34 UTC
Happy Awesome Friends Day to you too!

And just to make you laugh some more. I'm reading your recipe and thinking, "wheatmeal flour" don't know what that is, "self raising flour" I think I know what that is but we don't have that here, and half a pint wtf is that? *g*

Severide and baby were cute. Like you I'm not much for babies but it was still cute.

Oh and Matt's mother really started pissing me off last week, this week, I'm just done with her. I too hope he sticks to his guns about forcing her to find someplace else to live no matter what it means to her parole.


oxoniensis February 15 2013, 18:49:50 UTC
Hahaha, I did think perhaps I ought to translate my recipe into American, but I was being lazy. I didn't realise the whole thing was incomprehensible though! That's priceless!

Matt's mother just makes me shudder - I've been wondering about her ever since that thing with the keys, was it, the question she asked him in prison. I don't remember it exactly, but it was a way of passing off some of the responsibility for what she did.


slb44 February 15 2013, 18:56:12 UTC
Ah well American wouldn't do me much good either since I'm in Canada and we're metric and our flour is completely different from that of the Yanks and yeah, it gets complicated. *g*

I've had my suspicions about Matt's mother since we first saw her to be honest. US tv is pretty predictable on how they play women in certain roles and a mother in prison seldom ends well for anyone.


oxoniensis February 15 2013, 19:00:06 UTC
I often use grammes now, but that's a really old recipe, so ounces it was!

I wish Casey would get a storyline involving some of the others at the station house - I like it best when it's a group of them interacting, now Casey off having a life outside his work family.


waltzmatildah February 14 2013, 23:25:27 UTC
I don't even like babies either... AND YET...!!!!!


oxoniensis February 15 2013, 18:50:42 UTC
Sorry, did you say something? You can't use that icon and expect me to notice anything other than that! *stares*


dodger_sister February 14 2013, 23:28:37 UTC
Happy Awesome Friends Day! <3 <3

Severide & the baby!! OMG, it was almost exactly what I envisioned in my fantasy world!!! Hell the image of him putting together the crib was great on it's own, but then the baby-holding in the middle of the night and Shay stumbling downstairs half asleep! If the show keeps giving me spot-on what I long for, maybe Severide & Kelly really will make-out after all!

Matt's mom is a manipulative bitch. I am sure Matt's father berated her and emotionally abused her but I am starting to think it is less one-sided as it originally seemed, because she is very good at guilt-tripping passive-aggressiveness. I too hope he sticks with making her move out. If for no other reason than to save the little bit of a relationship they have left with each other.


sying February 15 2013, 14:37:41 UTC
Severide & the baby!! OMG, it was almost exactly what I envisioned in my fantasy world!!! Hell the image of him putting together the crib was great on it's own, but then the baby-holding in the middle of the night and Shay stumbling downstairs half asleep!
I was reminded of your comment from last week when I saw that scene! It's like they read your mind minus the soothing technical firefighter training talk, which he totally would be doing! Or probably was doing before Shay got downstairs. Either way, it was beyond adorable.


dodger_sister February 16 2013, 01:57:25 UTC
It's like they read your mind minus the soothing technical firefighter training talk, which he totally would be doing!

I think if they had done the technical firefighter talk to the baby, I might have lost my mind! I would have been paranoid the writers on Chicago Fire had bugged my house or something. ;) That scene had me flailing around everywhere, that's for sure.


oxoniensis February 15 2013, 18:52:53 UTC
sying mentioned your comment from last week, and yes, it was just perfect!

I am sure Matt's father berated her and emotionally abused her but I am starting to think it is less one-sided as it originally seemed, because she is very good at guilt-tripping passive-aggressiveness.

She gives me cold chills. Having her around permanently would be seriously bad for him, I think. I begin to see now why Matt's sister has spoken against her parole all these years.


isagel February 15 2013, 01:03:48 UTC
I have absolutely no idea what self-raising flour is, and here I was thinking I was in the same pancake camp as you. Huh.


oxoniensis February 15 2013, 18:54:23 UTC
I think most Brits just use plain flour for pancakes, and I do too often, but I like them with the graininess of wholemeal flour, and then it helps to have something a little lighter, so white flour with a raising agent in it (self-raising flour) comes into play. It's the same flour we use for sponge cakes, if that helps?


sying February 15 2013, 14:21:21 UTC
And finally, I have one thing to say about last night's Chicago Fire. Severide and a baby! I don't even like babies, but Severide and a baby!!! sying, we got Severide and a baby, multiple times!
YES!!! The NBC site totally put up those pictures with the wrong episode last week but I don't care because it made me think we were not actually going to get to see that scene and then we did and more. Good lord. Did anything else happen in this episode?! Because I couldn't see through all the hearts in my eyes!


oxoniensis February 15 2013, 18:57:32 UTC
Love your icon!

I must check out those scenes again (oh, the hardship), because in the pictures he was wearing the shirt he wore at the hospital, and I can't remember what shirt he's wearing in the apartment. So they might have been with the right week.

Did anything else happen? Who cares?! (I do, really, but Severide+baby was very distracting!)


sying February 15 2013, 21:06:50 UTC
Thank you! We all same to have a mutual love for that cap!

I must check out those scenes again (oh, the hardship)
Poor you, how you will suffer! Yeah, the pictures were of him holding the baby and sticking his tongue out at him which was from the hospital scene in this episode. But they posted them under last week's episode.

Did anything else happen? Who cares?! (I do, really, but Severide+baby was very distracting!)
Hee! I do, too, actually but it's hard to do anything but flail over those scenes. I mean, even just his happy dorky face when he looked back at Leslie and Clarice after the nurse handed him the baby... Is it sad that I just downloaded the HD to maybe take some screencaps that grande_caps doesn't have? Uh, maybe don't answer that. Anyway ( ... )


oxoniensis February 18 2013, 21:26:12 UTC
Hee, you're not the only person who downloads an HD copy to screencap those perfect moments! This is when I miss screencapping - because I used to do it manually, I used to take extra caps of all those sort of little moments.

Yes, I was a bit worried that we might have another Voight type storyline on our hands, so I'm hoping that's pretty much all we'll see of that guy.


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