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Comments 19

ionaonie January 5 2013, 00:54:01 UTC
oh my heart.

Hermann not taking the money was awesome and his wife is just amazing and brilliant and I love what they are showing of their marriage.

I was both yaying Peter Mills/Dawson and going 'oh no, Casey' when he called.

But the stuff with Severide was what got me this episode. Because, I spent most of my time biting my knuckles. Shay and Severide are adorable and amazing and I love them so much. Them settling down on the sofa at the end made me smile so much.

Dawson calling Severide on being high totally made me cheer. And then when he asked her for help. I'm so glad that's happened now. Much longer and I'd have started getting annoyed.

I'm kind of loving this show so much. Why isn't it next week yet?


oxoniensis January 5 2013, 09:03:23 UTC
It's great, because I didn't expect such richly drawn character backgrounds from this show - I thought it was going to be sort of a 'fire/trauma of the week' show, and I'm really happy it's so much more.

I just really hope Dawson goes for it with Mills, because I think that's got to be way better for her than her mostly one-sided crush on Casey. Plus she and Mills are cute together!

I'm so, so glad Severide's getting his act together, and has finally admitted that he has a problem. I'm so impatient for next week's episode too: I'm spoiler free, and staying that way, but I guess his next step has to be to tell the Chief, so that's going to be a bit nerve-wracking!


ionaonie January 6 2013, 01:34:10 UTC
I'm really glad they made it about the characters and not the fires so much. Because that's by fair the more interesting stuff.

I really hope Dawson goes with Peter Mills as well. Partly because they are ridiculously cute together and partly because getting with Casey can only be bad for Dawson. Casey is in such a bad place at the moment with his family stuff that it would be so easy for him to just fall into a thing with her and for it to just be to make him feel better.

I'm spoiler free, too but, yeah, he's go to tell the chief and I can't wait to see where this goes. But I love the support that both Shay and Dawson are giving him. This show makes me so happy.


oxoniensis January 7 2013, 20:41:36 UTC
Also, I'm far more comfortable watching the character interaction - watching rescues can make me a bit nervous, because I am a wuss when it comes to TV watching!

The other things against Casey and Dawson is that (a) it'd be a rebound, and (b) what's to say Dawson wants a kid any time soon! So yeah, I'm not rooting for that to happen.


cjmarlowe January 5 2013, 03:03:46 UTC
God, I am so happy and relieved about the Severide and Shay resolution, and really curious now how that whole thing is going to play out for him.


oxoniensis January 5 2013, 09:05:39 UTC
I did love that it was the prospect of losing Shay that was the kick in the pants that Severide needed to finally admit to himself that he had a problem, and do something about it.

This is why I sometimes wait until the end of a season to watch a show - I'm so impatient for the next episode!


elli January 5 2013, 14:48:00 UTC


oxoniensis January 5 2013, 20:51:03 UTC
I'm ridiculously invested in this show!


(The comment has been removed)

oxoniensis January 7 2013, 20:38:52 UTC
It's funny that you should mention trust, because I was just writing a few fairly flippant thoughts about the show, but as soon as I'd posted, I thought what a great theme of trust there is going on here.

I'm glad new people are still getting into the show!


dodger_sister January 8 2013, 02:33:14 UTC
The Shay and Severide friendship has to be one of my favourite things on TV.Agreed. Also, I was delighted to see them watching some movie with an artic hurricane, low crab supply and 2 (count 'em TWO) mutinys - because now I know that Shay and Severide are as big of dorks as I am! (I want to watch whatever movie that was they were watching - it's right up my alley!) On a more serious note, I had to watch that scene at the hospital when Severide comes running in and the look of utter despair and heartbreak on his face when the chief holds him back - it makes my heart feel things ( ... )


sying January 8 2013, 18:51:00 UTC
I want to watch whatever movie that was they were watching - it's right up my alley!
I believe it's a reality series about crab fishers called Deadliest Catch. I've never seen it but they did make it sound like fun!


dodger_sister January 8 2013, 19:35:30 UTC
Thank you! I've heard of Deadliest Catch but Shay really made it sound exciting! I had no idea it was like that. Maybe I'll have to check it out!


oxoniensis January 8 2013, 21:35:45 UTC
I read your comment first on my phone, and I've been trying to wrack my brains as to what the movie could be, but thankfully sying has the answer! Now if only they'd been into really cheap and badly rated disaster movies, I'd know for sure I'd be best friends with them if they were real!

It's been a long time since I had a show I had to watch each episode twice, but CF has slowly started to reach that point.

Same here! It's something I almost never do. But I did it for Generation Kill, and now Chicago Fire - I have it on my ipad, and I've been going to bed with it!

Yay for you writing in the fandom!! You know about chicagofire_tv, right? That and the AO3 Chicago Fire tag are the best source of fic I've found. And I'm actually behind on reading it, thanks to yuletide - always takes me a while to catch up on other reading after yuletide.


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