Advent Calendar Day Ten - White Collar ficlet: The Jackpot

Dec 10, 2010 13:45

Day One | Avalanche, Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, R, 400 words | for pjvilar
Day Two | No Fu Manchu, Hawaii Five-0, Danny, Steve, PG, 803 words | for laceymcbain
Day Three | running away from nothing real, Inception, Eames/Ariadne, R, 1,358 words | for vinylroad
Day Four | they said a hundred times I should have died, Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, NC-17, 1,192 words | for pau494
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fiction: white collar, fandom: white collar, fiction, advent calendar

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Comments 46

loki_dip December 10 2010, 13:50:16 UTC
:D This is really sweet.

White Collar, definitely my favourite fandom of the moment!


oxoniensis December 10 2010, 13:51:45 UTC
Thank you!

My first attempt at writing White Collar - much as I adore the show, I don't seem to read it much, and hadn't had a single fic idea before doing the Advent Calendar.


loki_dip December 10 2010, 13:53:08 UTC
It's one of the fandoms I've fallen into, but I get what you mean. Sometimes it's like the show is complete on it's own and the fic doesn't add anything for you? If that makes sense... I find that with shows like Psych.


oxoniensis December 10 2010, 13:54:56 UTC
It makes perfect sense. Some shows are incredibly frustrating because you want things from them and you just know you'll never get them, so you have to read/write fic. And other shows give you practically everything you want. I think White Collar falls somewhere in the middle for me.


thefannishwaldo December 10 2010, 14:39:58 UTC
Aw! Very sweet! I love that Peter didn't realize Neal was acting, that Neal gets to have his moment of "got you, too!"

Very very adorable!


oxoniensis December 10 2010, 20:03:47 UTC
I think every now and then Peter forgets what a good con-man Neal is, and that was one of those moments!

Glad you enjoyed it!


amy_vic December 10 2010, 14:45:05 UTC
This is the *adorablest*.

And there's just something about "I can be something of a handsy drunk," he says unrepentantly. that is so perfectly...perfect that I may have clapped a little.


oxoniensis December 10 2010, 20:04:52 UTC
Hee, thank you! After seeing him drugged, I could just imagine him drunk.


innie_darling December 10 2010, 14:47:22 UTC
My favorite bit is Peter thinking "lifted." Yesssss.


oxoniensis December 10 2010, 20:05:19 UTC
Neal is a bad influence!

Thanks again for your help!


lazy_daze December 10 2010, 14:55:41 UTC
EEeeeeeeeee this is SO DELIGHTFUL OMG THANKYOU!! I love Peter's exasperation at Neal in the club and his changing morals and worrying about Neal sulking and snarking and eeeee, KISSING! <33 <33 <33


oxoniensis December 10 2010, 20:08:28 UTC
Whee, I'm so happy you enjoyed it - it was great fun to try writing them at last! Though I'd hoped to be able to write more for you - I just couldn't seem to get them going anywhere beyond the kiss. That's the trouble with having your characters kiss in a car on a busy street! *g*


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