Advent Calendar Day Three - Inception fic: running away from nothing real

Dec 03, 2010 13:29

Day One | Avalanche, Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, R, 400 words | for pjvilar
Day Two | No Fu Manchu, Hawaii Five-0, Danny, Steve, PG, 803 words | for laceymcbain

running away from nothing real [Inception, Eames/Ariadne, R, 1,358 words, for vinylroad, prompt: Running, she learned, only brought you back to the things you were trying to escape from in the first place. Beta ( Read more... )

fandom: inception, fiction: inception, fiction, advent calendar

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Comments 13

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oxoniensis December 3 2010, 13:42:20 UTC
I'm glad you liked it! I'd actually never considered that pairing until vinylroad gave me the prompt, but I rather enjoyed writing them.


celli December 3 2010, 16:02:27 UTC
*applause*! I had not considered that pairing before, but I like!


oxoniensis December 3 2010, 18:06:25 UTC
I hadn't considered it before either! Glad you like!


vinylroad December 3 2010, 17:40:20 UTC
Oh my god, yesssssssssss. You wrote this pairing! Thank you thank you thank you!

Holy shit, I was so right; you are amazing at writing this pairing. These are not the easiest two to write together, but you hit the right note. Eames's cocky self-assurance, his teasing tone. And Ariande, still so sharp, but also young and indecisive. I would give you a million British pounds to write more of this!

(Ahaha, if only I had a million pounds. SIGH.)


oxoniensis December 3 2010, 18:09:10 UTC
You said you were jonesing for it, so I thought I could at least try! I actually liked three of your prompts - the threesome was the only one you didn't have a chance of getting!

I'm so glad it worked for you too - thanks for such a great picture/word prompt!

I would give you a million British pounds to write more of this!

I'll do it for a million dollars... Canadian, even.


kellifer_fic December 3 2010, 20:15:13 UTC
Aww... very nice!


oxoniensis December 3 2010, 20:27:57 UTC
Thank you! :-)


dreamlittleyo December 4 2010, 06:52:32 UTC


oxoniensis December 4 2010, 10:18:07 UTC


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