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Comments 53

annabeth May 15 2009, 12:12:18 UTC
Thank you for the caps &hearts I've been refreshing my flist looking for them!

And I was so, so happy with the way things turned out for Sam and Dean's relationship. Maybe not so much in terms of everything else -- being manipulated by both angels AND Ruby -- but in the end they grabbed for each other instinctively because they KNOW deep down that their brother is the only person they can truly trust, and that was lovely; no matter what Dean said about trusting Sam, in the end, he proved that on a purely automatic level he still does, and vice versa for Sam.

Still love Ruby and Sam/Ruby though, even if she was an evil manipulative demon.


oxoniensis May 15 2009, 12:38:47 UTC
I was thrilled for Sam and Dean, that they just turned to each other instinctively, not holding back, grabbed hold of each other.

But yeah, Ruby. I was so, so hoping her motives were good, that she was going to be that shade of grey, a demon, but still human enough to care about humans. She still obviously cared about Sam, wanted it to be the two of them in her new unholy world, but gah, now she's dead anyway. And while I thought the moment Dean kills her was perfect given the situation (Sam holding her while Dean turns the knife), I'm still gong to miss her!


annabeth May 15 2009, 12:48:43 UTC
I agree; I think she DID care about Sam. And I did some pondering and thought... she didn't need to SLEEP with Sam, did she? I mean, I don't see how that would have gotten him to do what she wanted any more than simply dangling the carrot of killing Lilith. I mean, maybe I'm totally wrong, but I get the impression she slept with Sam because she wanted to, not because it was part of the plan. That she did care about Sam and -- as you said -- want him in her new unholy world ( ... )


bitterbird May 15 2009, 12:14:42 UTC
these are so so so amazing thank you so much!


oxoniensis May 15 2009, 12:39:04 UTC
You're welcome!


dramaa_princess May 15 2009, 12:53:22 UTC
thanks for the caps!! :D


luke2 May 15 2009, 12:56:43 UTC
I'm still processing myself. Thanks for the beautiful pic/quote post.

And, I'm with you on Bobby. The man is awesome.


a_fallen_sister May 15 2009, 12:59:04 UTC
I've been feeling wishy washy about SPN lately, still watching, still loving it, but recent eps have left me feeling sad and frustrated instead of being the happy place it used to be for me. This season finale fixed everything for me. I don't care that Lucifer's free, I don't care what's coming in S5...whatever it is, Sam and Dean are going to be facing it together and now I'm in my happy place again. :) I'm just so glad they didn't leave us on a Sam vs. Dean note for the long hiatus ahead!


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