Porn Battle VII (The Seven Deadly Sins)

Jan 25, 2009 18:48

Porn Battle VII (The Seven Deadly Sins) IS A GO

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Fur, Beauty and the Beast, Beast/Belle, Prompt – fur mahaliem January 26 2009, 04:16:45 UTC

She would never ask Cogsworth. She can't even imagine how she might broach the subject. If she did, would he admit to it or would he simply stare at her as seconds ticked away?

Lumière might tell her the truth, if she was to ask him, but she doesn't dare. What interpretation might he arrive at if she were to ask if his sheets were ever scorched in the morning?

Tentatively, carefully, she brings up the delicate subject to Mrs. Potts. Before she can finish her sentence Mrs. Potts' face heats up. "Let's not dwell on it, my dear," Mrs. Potts says in a high-pitched tone not far off from a whistle. "What's past is past."

What's past is past seems to be the common phrase of every resident of the castle, including her husband ( ... )


kuwdora January 26 2009, 04:18:26 UTC
Re: Fur, Beauty and the Beast, Beast/Belle, Prompt – fur mahaliem January 26 2009, 13:31:43 UTC
Thank you.


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Re: Fur, Beauty and the Beast, Beast/Belle, Prompt – fur mahaliem January 26 2009, 13:32:06 UTC
Thank you so much!


Re: Fur, Beauty and the Beast, Beast/Belle, Prompt – fur ladydey January 26 2009, 04:33:22 UTC
I think I very much like the idea that enchantment can't just be sloughed off - that there is some residue that remains.

Also you can feel that in some ways Belle is still an outsider, one of the only people in the castle, if not the only person in the castle, who wasn't part of the spell and as such isn't someone that anyone will share all the castle secrets with still.

Very Neat!


Re: Fur, Beauty and the Beast, Beast/Belle, Prompt – fur mahaliem January 26 2009, 13:33:27 UTC
Also you can feel that in some ways Belle is still an outsider

Exactly! Thank you so much!


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Re: Fur, Beauty and the Beast, Beast/Belle, Prompt – fur mahaliem January 26 2009, 13:33:48 UTC
Thank you, hon.


Re: Fur, Beauty and the Beast, Beast/Belle, Prompt – fur justabi January 26 2009, 04:34:54 UTC
Well, fuck. That is deliciously creepy.


Re: Fur, Beauty and the Beast, Beast/Belle, Prompt – fur mahaliem January 26 2009, 13:34:12 UTC
Thank you, hon. *hugs*


Re: Fur, Beauty and the Beast, Beast/Belle, Prompt – fur ficwize January 26 2009, 04:37:35 UTC
Whoa... what a creepy take on this, but so realistic. I loved it!


Re: Fur, Beauty and the Beast, Beast/Belle, Prompt – fur mahaliem January 26 2009, 13:34:43 UTC
Thank you.


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Re: Fur, Beauty and the Beast, Beast/Belle, Prompt – fur mahaliem January 26 2009, 13:35:13 UTC
Thank you so much!


Re: Fur, Beauty and the Beast, Beast/Belle, Prompt – fur angstbunny January 26 2009, 05:01:16 UTC
Ho. Lee. Crap. WOW.


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