Supernatural drabble: what it is like to fall

Sep 29, 2008 13:22

what it is like to fall [Supernatural, Dean/Castiel, PG, 100 words, post 4x02, written for the 100_ghosts prompt 'heaven'.]

"I know every wonder of heaven. I do not miss it. I saw my brothers fall, swayed by the beauty of the daughters of men, but I was not tempted. I have been surrounded by pleasures of the flesh - I do not crave them. I have looked upon the face of God, but it is as nothing to me."

He whispers the words into Dean's ear, feels him shiver.

"I held you tight and pulled you from Hades and my hand still burns from the touch. Now," Castiel says, and his voice breaks, "now I know the meaning of temptation."


fiction: supernatural, fiction, fandom: supernatural

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