June to September fic roundup

Oct 01, 2008 13:25

This makes me look almost mono-fannish! If I'd had time, I'd have written in so many more fandoms these last few weeks - so much I want to write, so little time, argh!


what it is like to fall [Supernatural, Dean/Castiel, PG, 100 words, post 4x02.]
"I have looked upon the face of God"

looking for the undertow [Supernatural, Sam/Ruby, NC-17, 100 words, pre 4x01.]
Rinse. Repeat. He's getting there.

I've got the rulebook, it's missing pages [Supernatural, Sam/Ruby, mild R, 818 words, coda to 4x01.]
He isn't sure what the rules are.

Fear and Trembling [Supernatural, Dean, Castiel, mild Dean/Castiel, PG-13/mild R, 4x01 coda, 1,251 words.]
Why would you think there's a catch?

things hoped for [Supernatural, Dean, Sam, PG-13, coda to 4x01, 1,808 words. ]
He believes in many things. Things seen and unseen.

flooding (you and me) [Supernatural, Dean/Sam, NC-17, 1,713 words, post-hell schmoop (written pre-4x01.]
It wakes him.

the winter of a long night [Stargate SG-1, Daniel, PG, 418 words, major spoilers for Continuum.]
He misses...

sin and bone [Supernatural, Dean/Sam, NC-17, first time, 2,062 words.]
His bones don't fit his skin.


Pearls [Supernatural, Sam/Jess, Dean, adult, 691 words.]
"Dean, look!" Sam held up his find, salt water dripping down his skinny bare arm. "It's a pearl. I've found a pearl."

The Elephant in the Corner [Supernatural, vaguely implied Dean/Sam, G, 100 words.]
The elephant stands in the corner and watches, bemused.

dude, where's my car? [Supernatural, Dean, Sam, PG, 100 words.]
Dean hyperventilates. He's not ashamed. He doesn't rattle easily, but this is hitting where it hurts.


the stars must contain us in their burning [Stargate Atlantis, team, Zelenka, Lorne and a sentient sea-creature, G, 5,193 words]
Rodney first discovers it one night, a bright light out on the water, a rise and fall of sound.

A Backdoor to Hell [Good Omens/Supernatural, Aziraphale, Crowley, Sam, Dean, gen, PG, 1,750 words, post season 3 of Supernatural.]
"There isss always the back door," Crowley says.

roundup, fiction

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