Supernatural drabble: The Elephant in the Corner

Jul 23, 2008 13:34

I want to say a huge thank you to whoever nominated me for the awards over at spn_oscars. I didn't get added to the polls until today, so I just want to be sure that the person(s) who nominated me know I really am grateful.

And now for some silliness!

The Elephant in the Corner [Supernatural, vaguely implied Dean/Sam, G, 100 words. Written for 100_ghosts, prompt - elephant in the room.]

They clump in, boots loud on the linoleum.

Dean throws himself on his bed. "Dude, I'm knackered." He stretches out with an audible creak of joints.

"Want a beer, old man?" Sam asks, handing him an open bottle even as he offers.

Dean gulps it down and fumbles for the remote. Sam eyes the mess on the other bed - duffels, dirty socks and freshly carved stakes - shrugs, and sprawls out next to Dean, thighs and arms touching.

The elephant stands in the corner and watches, bemused. He's never been this totally ignored before. These two really are experts at denial.

fiction: supernatural, fiction, fandom: supernatural

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