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lafemmedarla September 8 2008, 17:55:41 UTC
1. Fic: Angel/Torchwood Crossover. Jack Harkness as the Immortal. Research to prove this should be canon. Extra brownie points if it's either Jack/Darla, Jack/Angel or Jack/Connor.

2. Fic: Torchwood. Gwen/Ianto. Friendship, gen or pwp. I'll take what I can get.

3. Fic: Firefly/Torchwood Crossover. Jack, John and Saffron working a con together. Extra brownie points if Saffron is a former time agent (Ok, now I am so namng her 'Captain Joan' in my head)

4. Fic: Angel. Any incarnation of Angel/Darla (Angelus/Darla, Angel/Human!Darla and so on). Extra brownie points if you can write AU Season 5 Angel/Dark Haired!Darla.

5. Vid: Disney's Beauty and the Beast. Set to Kristian Leontiou's Shining.

6. Fic: RPS. John Barrowman/James Marsters. Because it so happened in my head.

7. Fic: RPS. Gareth David-Lloyd/Vincent Kartheiser. In which they fanboy James Marsters together.

8. Fic - Doctor Who. Ninth Doctor/Romana. Any Romana though I'm a wee partial to Romana I. Nothing too dark but no fluff either.

9. Fic Dexter. I’d love to see fic ( ... )


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