Captain Jack Harkness is the Immortal and I so got proof!

Sep 18, 2007 23:05

Ok, it's more of me staring at pretty pics and pondering way too much. But once you read what I got to say on the subject, one of two things will happen:

a) You'll fully accept Captain Jack Harkness is indeed the Immortal from AtS.
b) You will all get together and gather enough money to get a straight jacket (try to find me an orange one, plz?)

Warning: Spoilers for Doctor Who Seriess 1 and 3, Torchwood Series 1 and 2, Angel Seasons 5 and 6 and Buffy season 8 (yes, comic canon).

Pictures from,, barrowmanfans and

ETA: ACK!!!! So sorry guys! I am a big idiot. hopefully it's been fixed and nobody saw anything they shouldn't have seen? I shall go bury my head in the sand now.

01. Captain Jack Harkness is played by John Barrowman

Let's have a look at John Barrowman.

John is what scientists call "Impossibly Pretty". He is also a very big flirt which he passes on to Captain Jack. And let's face it, very few people would say no to a guy that looks like Jack.

Wanna see what people who had hot concurrently sex with Jack Harkness looks like?

She's glowing.


02. TheTimeline

Why yes, Captain Jack's Timeline makes our heads hurt, a lot, but by destiny a strange coincidence, it gives us this:

1869 - Our Boy lands in the 19th centuty, following the events of The Parting of the Ways. As his vortex manipulator works no more, he's pretty much stranded.
1892 - He's shot through the heart and discovers he cannot die (or rather, he does die, but keeps coming back)
1894 - The Fanged Four travel to Rome, where they meet the Immortal the flashbacks of The Girl in Question happen.

So we get a few years between both events for Jack to build up his reputation and to be known as "The Immortal".

I know. I know. "But what about the 150 on the monastery? Or climbing the Everest several times?". This is Captain Jack Harkness, former con man and all around charmer. Either he makes it up, or other people will make it up and he'll follow along.

03. Angel and Spike were so obviously retconned

There is a particular line on The Girl in Question that always strikes me as OC.

ANGELUS: (after learning the Immortal did both his women "concurrently"): you never let us do that!

Now let's talk about retcon, aka the amnesia pill. According to the Torchwood website apparently, the pills were developed by Torchwood One, but know better. Jack could have just come up with his own version back in the days he was stranded on the 19th century. I mean, he had to something besides shag anything in sight and wait for the Doctor.

So our Boy Jack has his experimental retcon and needs test subjects. Mice are too cute and perhaps there not enough lawyers around (brownie points if you get that). So why not try it on that nice pair of evil yet hunky vampires? I mean, come on! You really didn't think Jack was going to chain them and leave them hanging? The retcon was enough to make them forget that fantastic sex all three of them had, but it also made Angelus and spike forget the fantastic and concurrently sex they enjoy with their girls.

Jack of course, took note of that and worked on a better version, which is the one Torchwood One developed.

04. Jack/The Immortal has a type

Actually, Jack a whole lot of types, but some are bound to be repeated.

The Dark, Intense Man

The Kickass Blonde

Thanks to ladyoneill for the Buffy pic.

Thegirl who does believe in faires, she does she does.

Again, I seem to be lacking a picture here (this time for Estelle. Help?)

Of course, I got another type on my list, but he gets his mention below...

05. The James Marsters Factor

And so James Marsters guest stars on Torchwood, playing, out of all things, a former ex-lover of Jack. So there you have it: Why would the Fanged Four catch Jack's eye in such a way? Because one of them brought him naughty, hot wrong but oh so good memories.

Of course, some of the bad memories may come afloat every once in a while which is why Jack probably had Spike put to jail for tax evasion once.

06. Angel has a pet dragon

According to the AICN's preview of Angel: After the Fall, Angel doesn't get to slay the dragon, but rather, friends it, explaining the the poor dragon was just misguided.

I believe this is not true and here's my theory: the dragon came via the Cardiff Rift. Jack intended it to be a buddy for Myfanwy, the Torchwood Pterodactyl, but alas, not enough space for both of them, so made arragements for Puff (sorry, couldn't help myself) to infiltrate Wolfram and Hart and help Angel when the time came. Angel refuses to say thanks, because Jack eats cookie dough while violating Angel's women.

ETA: April 21st 2008 - 07. Robot!Buffy

Buffy Season 8 brings us the revelation that the woman the Immortal dated in rome was in fact, a robot. Think about it: a centuries old being wouldn't notice she's a robot?

Ad the think about Jack. Didn't he happily grope robot!boobs in Bad Wolf? He'd totally notice he's dealing with a BuffyBot - while on a secret TW mission in Rome maybe? - and just shrug and have fun. Besides, aany chance to annoy Angel and Spike is a good one.

And there you have it. I swear they make more sense in my head. :P

Comments, pimping and RPS are always welcomed. In fact, they're encouraged. James and John are making this way too easy for us, people.

Tired now. Torchwood and bed time!

jack harkness is the immortal, torchwood, cracktastic, angel: the series

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