One sentence meme

Nov 14, 2007 18:29

For some reason I'm fidgety today. I can't settle down to writing or betaing properly, but lazy-daze will have my ass if I don't hit today's word target. And I daren't sit down and watch Pushing Daisies until I hit it. So I'm dragging out that good old one sentence meme again. The one that I feel free to interpret as one sentence, one drabble, one ( Read more... )


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Supernatural, Sam/Jess, picture prompt oxoniensis November 14 2007, 20:55:55 UTC
He doesn't mean to be maudlin, or even to waste his time thinking in what ifs. He has too much to do and too little time, none to waste. But he lingers, sometimes, watching families, and even if he's lying to himself about it, he's wondering. What it would have been like, him and Jess and a kid. A little girl, a blonde like Jess, swinging her between them on Saturday morning walks in the park. A boy, with freckles like Dean and a stubborn streak like his uncle too. Buying him a bat and mitt and teaching him to catch.

He sees it in his dreams, some nights. They always start out happy and end the same way, Jess pinned on the ceiling and crying out silently for help, while blood drips on his baby's lips and Sam lies there and does nothing.

Him and Dean, that's all there is these days, and maybe it's for the best.

He still lingers, though, and watches.


Re: Supernatural, Sam/Jess, picture prompt vinylroad November 15 2007, 00:20:02 UTC
Break my heart into little pieces. Jesus.

That was beautiful babe.


Re: Supernatural, Sam/Jess, picture prompt oxoniensis November 15 2007, 00:22:20 UTC
Um, in case you wondering how the heck I got that from your prompt, I thought the trees looked like parents with a child between them. I wasn't being totally random! *g*

As for the heartbreak, retribution, for all the angsty fic you've posted and broken my heart with!


Re: Supernatural, Sam/Jess, picture prompt vinylroad November 15 2007, 00:34:28 UTC
No, that's EXACTLY what I thought of when I saw the photo - it looked like a little tree family.

Haha, angst is totally me default setting. I know it kinda puts some people off, but I have such a hard time writing happy stuff. It's WEIRD. *sigh*

But if you want to battle this out, I will angst you so hard it makes your teeth cry ;)


Re: Supernatural, Sam/Jess, picture prompt oxoniensis November 17 2007, 21:11:04 UTC
I am totally not going to battle that one out - you'd win, hands down! Happy is *my* default setting!


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