Supernatural 3x04 - Sin City

Oct 26, 2007 19:19

I'm a bit concerned my email is going astray (I know some has for certain) - setissma, newkidfan and pesha, did you get emails with attachments from me in the two or three weeks? meivocis, have you sent me anything I've missed?

And now for Sin City.

spoilers for the episode and speculation, but no spoilers for anything beyond this episode )

screencaps: supernatural, screencaps, fandom: supernatural, picspam

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Comments 45

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oxoniensis October 26 2007, 19:08:40 UTC
They are so good at those little comic moments!

I was hoping they wouldn't kill Casey either, though I suppose at the very least they would have had to exorcise her. Her and Dean's bonding chat was fantastic!


setissma October 26 2007, 18:44:47 UTC
I haven't gotten anything! :(


oxoniensis October 26 2007, 18:48:24 UTC
I made you some icons! I'll email them again now - I thought maybe you just didn't like them, and didn't like to say, but then with emails definitely going astray, I thought I'd better check!


thisholymess October 26 2007, 18:46:02 UTC
First of all thank you for the caps of Dean and Sam's faces as they look into the limo, it made me laugh all over again.
I really loved this episode so much so that am actually responding to a post about it. I usually just lurk on Supernatural posts but this episode had so much going on how can you not talk about it.
There was alot of relevations and I think I might have to watch it again just to be clear. Sometimes I get distracted by the boys good looks that I miss somethings.
As for Ruby and Sam I really wanted him to kiss her this episode but he just got all kinds of angry, which is hot. I like how Ruby presses all of Sam's buttons. Can you feel the sexual tension? I hope people (you) do write some fic about them.
Why am I so busy today or I would totally watch it again right now!!!


oxoniensis October 26 2007, 18:53:41 UTC
That moment was pure comedy gold!

And yes, fabulous episode - I'm running down my flist now, putting up dozens of episode reaction tabs! I'll be all night reading them! *g*

I need to rewatch and make notes I think, catch all the little comments, because there was a lot of important stuff.

I don't normally pimp my own stories, but I actually posted some Sam/Ruby porn yesterday: blood beats black tonight. There still needs to be more though!


thisholymess October 26 2007, 19:07:50 UTC
I understand why you are tabbing all of the reactions its always fun when everyone is on the same hyperlevel as you about an episode.

There is alot of important stuff and its so hard to keep track of because I feel like we get alot of info at one time and am like how am I supposed to remember this. Is there a comm where it keeps track of important stuff by episode, that would be fabulous.

OOh yeah a story that totally saves me from searching so thank you for pimping.


oxoniensis October 26 2007, 19:40:42 UTC
I have to confess, I'm only really reading the squeeful reactions - it made me happy, so reading other people's joy is just fantastic.

Is there a comm where it keeps track of important stuff by episode, that would be fabulous.

I've no idea! I use the Superwiki when I want to check canon stuff - maybe it has a livejournal community?


luke2 October 26 2007, 18:48:03 UTC
I adored the happy little "family" moment Dean, Sam and Bobby had at the beginning of the episode. Bobby is just fan-freakin'-tastic.

YAY picture spam! THANKS! :D


oxoniensis October 26 2007, 19:09:47 UTC
The family moment was great - just seeing them working happily alongside each other. ♥


kyanoswolf October 26 2007, 19:04:50 UTC
gorgeous! thanks so much for the zips!!!


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