Supernatural 3x04 - Sin City

Oct 26, 2007 19:19

I'm a bit concerned my email is going astray (I know some has for certain) - setissma, newkidfan and pesha, did you get emails with attachments from me in the two or three weeks? meivocis, have you sent me anything I've missed?

And now for Sin City.

WOW, THAT WAS ALL KINDS OF AWESOME!!!! (And I don't go into capslock mode lightly.)

Best episode this season - there wasn't a moment I didn't love. And now I'm torn, because it's made me thinky, and I want to talk about it and dig into it, but I also want to rewatch it without having to keep one eye on the clock (lunchtime viewing isn't ideal) and it's making me itch to write fic too (more Sam/Ruby maybe, because they just keep getting hotter). And not just porn in the mirrored room, though that too - I mean, come on, it's just begging for it! What's the betting there'll be half a dozen mirrored ceiling PWPs posted before the day is out?! *g*

The barmaid demon's (I'm going to call her Casey for ease) revelations were the highlights for me - finally we have comfirmation that old yellow eyes is Azazel - continuity from 2x01, love it! Which makes it pretty impressive that they did manage to kill him! So Casey was ready and willing to follow Sam as Azazel's second in command - interesting, especially given that Lucifer's fall is attributed to his refusal to give worship to a lesser creature (not the Biblical story, of course, though it does riff off it). So, is that giving extra weight to Sam not being 100% human? Azazel's son? Or are these other demons just a bit less proud than Lucifer?

Also, Lucifer's never been seen? Huh, interesting that. Does that mean he's in need of a body, a worthy one?

Just as interesting was Casey's attitude and outlook, the glimpse she gave us of the demon life and view point, the way she truly despised humans.

As for Dean asking her about Hell, trying to make it sound like a random casual enquiry, oh, Dean! "Speaking of downstairs, what's it like down there?"

Ruby's "That little fallen angel on your shoulder," comment. Along with her undoubted power over demons, and her strength of mind to stand up against them. Gotta wonder. I've been looking up the name and the meaning, trying to find a clue as to who she might be, but other than some suggestions that the Hebrew word odem, usually translated earth, also means ruby, and the thought that it's one of the four precious gems, I've got nothing. The right hand of Lucifer, maybe? One of four lieutenants? I can't see her being Lucifer herself, not putting herself at risk the way she has, but close, surely.

That's all just initial thoughts - I need to watch it again, see what I missed, think about it properly, not just in five seconds bursts between work!

There were so many little things to love too. Bobby, for starters. Working with the boys, joking with them, threatening to shoot Dean! Hee. Dean being hit on by a hooker, and Sam dragging him away from the hooker in the car (their faces!). The suits - Dean looked good in his!

Gorgeous moody colouring too - loved that, along with the overhead shots over the town, and the views through mirrors throughout the episode.

Now for screencaps, of course, 914 of them, high res, 1280x720.

[zip 1 | zip 2 | zip 3 | zip 4 ] [ gallery ]

My site's been playing up a bit, so if you have trouble downloading the zips you might want to try again in a few minutes.


I LOVED this little sequence! Their faces!


Dean gets a bit of demon action.

screencaps: supernatural, screencaps, fandom: supernatural, picspam

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