The Porn Battle (Fourth Verse, Same as the First)

Jul 11, 2007 18:55

THE PORN BATTLE (FOURTH VERSE, SAME AS THE FIRST) IS A GOTo join the battle, all you need to do is pick a prompt from below (any prompt, even if it's your own) and write the porniest bit of fiction you can, or make the hottest manip or painting or vid or song. That's all folks - just one bit of steamy, panty-wetting porn. Make it as kinky or as ( Read more... )

challenge: porn battle, challenge

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Re: in your heartache waiting, entourage, eric/vince, track oxoniensis July 12 2007, 02:13:33 UTC
Sweet and hot!


Re: in your heartache waiting, entourage, eric/vince, track holycitygirl July 12 2007, 02:32:24 UTC
Oooh that's lovely and dark and lovely some more. :) I love Vince's desperation and Eric's devotion. Magic.


Re: in your heartache waiting, entourage, eric/vince, track dancinbutterfly July 12 2007, 02:38:40 UTC
God. Break my heart why dont you ? God its beautiful.


Re: in your heartache waiting, entourage, eric/vince, track torakowalski July 13 2007, 11:40:49 UTC
Wow, this is great!


Re: in your heartache waiting, entourage, eric/vince, track ceares October 14 2007, 19:46:05 UTC
Oh very nice. When I got to the lines about Mandy, I was like, 'well yeah', but when he says this “I will always choose you, alright? I am never going to leave.” I was a gonner.


Re: in your heartache waiting, entourage, eric/vince, track pesha October 27 2007, 04:56:21 UTC
I have only just now gotten a chance to see Entourage and am now thoroughly in love with this show. I followed a link in a community back here (which amuses me endlessly since I do all the links for the Porn Battles) and wow.

This was gorgeous. It completely encapsulates what makes Vince and Eric work for me: devotion. E is totally all about being Vince's guy. He's there. He's always been there and you convey beautifully how he wants to always be there with Vince. Gorgeous work.


Re: in your heartache waiting, entourage, eric/vince, track crazy_thought February 8 2008, 14:33:48 UTC
i love this. i come back to re read this fic almost weekly. very wel done.


Re: in your heartache waiting, entourage, eric/vince, track justabi February 10 2008, 07:12:26 UTC


Re: in your heartache waiting, entourage, eric/vince, track oximore March 27 2008, 00:01:32 UTC
Whoa! (we definitly need more Vince/Eric porn :D)



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