I’m not rewriting my memories

Mar 06, 2007 18:52

I've had seasons 3 and 4 of Gilmore Girls sitting on my shelf looking balefully at me for months now. I just--I'm a Dean girl, I totally adore him, and I wasn't sure I could manage to watch beyond season 2. But I've been mainlining season 3 this last week or so (just two more episodes to go), and it's not as painful as I was expecting. And I've ( Read more... )

fandom: gilmore girls, picspam

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Comments 44

bre_horses March 6 2007, 19:12:07 UTC
I'm awwing right along with you. I love Dean, Jess is sexy, but he treats Rory like crap. Just like Rory kind of treats Dean like crap sometimes. I'm just in the beginning of the 3rd season. My mom and I are watching it and doing some mother/daughter bonding.


oxoniensis March 6 2007, 20:57:24 UTC
Jess didn't stand a chance with me, not after he hit on Rory when she was with Dean, and constantly mocked Dean, and I tend to blame him for the way Rory treated Dean at times. I have moments of not totally hating him, but that's as good as it gets! *g*

Good things is though, that I love the townsfolk, so even when Dean's not around, there's Sookie and Miss Patty and Kirk and all to enjoy!

My mom and I are watching it and doing some mother/daughter bonding.



strippedpink March 6 2007, 19:17:55 UTC
Hee! I was just talking about this yesterday! And am putting together a Deeenfest/Deeeenathon JUST for CuteDean happy (or porny) fic. \o/ So, maybe we can get some good Dean/Rory for you! :)


oxoniensis March 6 2007, 21:06:50 UTC
Oh, oh, you have a million cute Dean pictures! And I have ticked your ticky box, because I am so in, even though I'm totally meant to be only finishing works in progress at the moment and not starting new stuff.

I have to admit, I was holding back from friending you because I'm a spoilerphobe, and we have, um, different stances on being spoilery. *g* But you love Dean and I love Dean, and this is meant to be. *nods*


strippedpink March 6 2007, 21:25:05 UTC
I just think there should be a day where EVERYTHING WRITTEN is about CuteDean being happy and loved, you know? That WORKS for me! :D

And let me reassure you...I personally don't care about spoilers, nor do I really seek them out, but I do always cut for them regardless because I get that others DO care. So we shouldn't have any problems. :D


oxoniensis March 6 2007, 21:30:51 UTC
I just think there should be a day where EVERYTHING WRITTEN is about CuteDean being happy and loved, you know? That WORKS for me! :D

That works for me! Oh yes!

And cutting is good - we should be fine. *nods* I'm mostly fairly serene about things (and every now and again I go wild and crazy and have to be spoiled for something), but just lately I've been seeing the 'if you don't want to be spoiled, don't go online' comments again, and being in the UK, and permanently behind on shows, that kinda sucks! And is one of the few things that will make me do my pissy face! *g*

And now I have to get back to your picspam.


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oxoniensis March 6 2007, 21:12:34 UTC
I'm just a bit further ahead than you then. And I'm torn tonight, whether to write for an hour or two, or finish season 3 and get onto season 4. I suspect curling up on the couch and putting the DVDs on will win!

There's never any need to let me know about friending. Or unfriending - I'm very easy about stuff like that. It reminds me though, that I'd like to write more Sam/Ellen some time, if I can just get into the headset of it again.


(The comment has been removed)

oxoniensis March 9 2007, 22:24:09 UTC
I hate cliffhangers! The good thing about being this far behind is that I don't have to wait after them! I just hope my season 5 dvds arrive before I get to the end of season 4 - I couldn't get them locally, so I had to order online, and I don't want to have to ration myself so that season 4 will last until they come!

And I went tracking down your Sam/Ellen story - good work, I'm glad to see others writing the pairing besides flipmontigirl and myself.


_jems_ March 6 2007, 20:01:48 UTC
It's kind of weird seeing all these SPN fans getting into GG because back when I first entered fandom it was late season 4 and everyone HATED Dean. I even have it as an interest, that's how much I hated the character. And in season 5 it gets even worse (I didn't know that was possible). Anyway, everyone's now going into it predisposed to like a character that very few people liked at the time and it sort of warps your mind just a bit.

As far as I know, the biggest GG fic archive is Black & White & Read, which got its name from the Stars Hollow book store, if I'm not mistaken.


oxoniensis March 6 2007, 21:20:26 UTC
It's weird seeing you say that, because the friend who got me into the show (she sold it to me through the quirky townsfolk, who I love) is a huge Dean fan, and I was from the start. I really think I would have been, even if I hadn't been a Supernatural/Jared Padalecki fan first. I just can't imagine disliking him, whereas Jess is such a total jerk, I can't understand how anyone can like him! It kind of frustrates me, as I like Rory most of the time, but her blindness with Jess, and the way she treats Dean kind of sucks.

Thanks for the fic archive link - I was searching for something like that! I'm going to save it, I think, until I've got more up-to-date, as there were so many spoilery kind of things on fanfiction.net, and I'm trying to avoid getting more spoiled than I already am (I'm spoiled for several really big things, but not for little things).


_jems_ March 6 2007, 21:38:02 UTC
It may just be my warped view from my flist, but in my personal opinion Dean is one of the characters who best exemplify the old "self-proclaimed nice guy who's really a passive-aggressive jerk" fandom stereotype. And that's something that I thought even before I entered fandom. Season 4-5 do him absolutely no favors, though, and that was the point at which I put "hating dean" as one of my interests (and I would have removed it long ago if I'd ever needed the space, I just don't seem to have all that many interests. *g*).


oxoniensis March 6 2007, 23:21:05 UTC
Oh, I so don't see him that way at all!

I am sad though, because if you'd liked him, I could have bet on finding some nice Dean icons. I'm having to make my own (oh, woe *g*), because the only ones I've found have tended to be in that turquoise/apricot colouring that's all the craze right now, which just isn't my taste. I much prefer your sort of natural colouring, or interesting colouring that works for individual shots. *nods*


balefully March 6 2007, 20:41:02 UTC
Oh my god. OH MY GOD. I just. Rory/Dean is my OTP of LIFE, and it makes me miserable that it's got so little representation in fandom. So if/when you find the fics, let us know! And WOOHOO I am totally psyched for you to write some. :D!

You should definitely stick with canon, because in the end (well, near to the end...) it is SO worth it. It's just. Yeah. <333.


oxoniensis March 6 2007, 21:23:35 UTC
They're my cute, sweet little high school otp, and I adore them! I want them to be perfect and happy together forever, and it makes me sad that they're not.

As for why it's so underloved in fandom and fanfiction, I just do not understand! Have you checked out that story I linked in the post? It's well worth it (it is porny though).


balefully March 6 2007, 21:50:54 UTC
I actually randomly stumbled across it, like, a week ago, and DIED OF JOY. It is AMAZING. And aodginsodinfh the porny was amazing. I just. SIOgnsodhdiuh I am actually convinced that in the end, Rory will be in Stars Hollow and see Dean again and realize what she's been missing JUST LIKE IN THAT FIC. Have you ever seen Sabrina the Teenage Witch? She's about to marry her boyfriend from the final season, when all of a sudden POOF her high school sweetheart comes roaring to the ceremony on his motorcyle and they drive off into the sunset together. THAT IS WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN. RORY AND DEAN WILL ROAR OFF INTO THE SUNSET TOGETHER.


oxoniensis March 6 2007, 23:30:22 UTC
The only time I wish Jared wasn't so busy on Supernatural is when I realise it means no more Dean on Gilmore Girls. Unless Sam gets turned into a rat for an episode, and gets to guest star on Gilmore Girls! *g*

But at least we can give them their happy ending in fanfiction!


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