I’m not rewriting my memories

Mar 06, 2007 18:52

I've had seasons 3 and 4 of Gilmore Girls sitting on my shelf looking balefully at me for months now. I just--I'm a Dean girl, I totally adore him, and I wasn't sure I could manage to watch beyond season 2. But I've been mainlining season 3 this last week or so (just two more episodes to go), and it's not as painful as I was expecting. And I've been spoiled enough to know that there are still some good scenes to look forward to.

Trouble is, I desperately want Gilmore Girls fic, sweet Dean and Rory centric stories. Like, really really desperately. To the extent that I actually went to fanfiction.net. Just for a few minutes, before I fled crying in sheer horror at the summaries, but it gives you an idea of how much I want it. All there seems to be though is Lorelai/Luke or some Rory/Logan, apart from femmenerd's gorgeous Good Girls Do. S'pose I'll have to write myself some, once I'm up-to-date on canon. Unless I can offer worthwhile bribes, or someone takes pity on me...

flipmontigirl tagged me for the five favourite stories meme. And I will do it, because apparently I can't say no to her, even though memes normally send me running in the opposite direction. It's just hard when you've written a three figure number of stories to narrow it down to five favourites. Might take me a while of whittling down. And it might even include one or two stories I haven't posted yet - I'm rather in love with three of the stories I'm writing at the moment.

So, then, where's the Gilmore Girls fic? Yeah, I'm back there already. There must be some, surely! I'll even take mediocre if it's sweet enough: if you're sugar-starved, shop cake will do in a pinch.

I go aww every time I see this picture.

I just love seeing him with a book in his hand.

Make-up kiss! And look, Jared Padalecki's hands aren't even that big there.

I know this scene ends painfully, but there's this moment when Dean rests his chin on Rory's head, and it's just... *sigh*

He's getting so TALL here!

He's still such a baby though, so cute and smiley and YOUNG!

fandom: gilmore girls, picspam

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