Porn Battle (the rematch)

Jun 09, 2006 12:57

It's here!


To join the battle, all you need to do is pick a prompt from below (any prompt, even if it's your own) and write the porniest bit of fiction you can, or make the hottest manip or painting. That's all folks - just one bit of steamy, panty-wetting porn. Make it as kinky or as subtle as you like, but make it hot, melt your readers, create a stampede to all the fannish bunks worldwide.

When you've written/painted/made it, paste it into the comments here. Once you've done that, you can post it wherever else you want.

You may enter as many times as you like, so long as each entry is completely separate (not a series of linked pieces). Also, please do not link to old work - this should be something new, produced for the challenge, based on one of the prompts.


1. It must fit in one comment, so the limit is 4,300 characters (there's no minimum limit). It can be part of a longer piece that you may post elsewhere, as long as it's something new and based on one of the prompts, but I all want here is the porn! If you make art, if it's larger than 350 px wide, please use a thumbnail linking directly to the piece (directly to the artwork, not a post or site). The thumbnail can be up to 350 px wide, and 300 px high, and should include as much of the art as possible.

2. Important! Please use the subject line of your comment to identify the snippet, like so: Title, prompt (i.e. Fandom, Pairing, prompt word). For example, I might write: "Staying Awake, Grey's Anatomy, Cristina/Burke, rough", or "To Disappear Takes So Much Time, Crossover, the O.C./Supernatural, Seth/Sam, college". (See the first comment for an example if you're still not sure).

3. You have one week - the post will close for new entries next Friday, 16th June, at 9 pm UK time. That's 10 pm in most of Europe, 5 pm in New York, 2 pm in Los Angeles and 6 am on Saturday in Brisbane.

4. Please don't post anything but stories or feedback/feedback replies (to individual stories) here. If you've got any questions or comments, please leave them on my initial post about the porn battle, not on this post. I'd like to keep this purely for the porn (and feedback on the porn - readers/voyeurs, please do show the writers/artists much love for their porny offerings).


There are well over 1,000 prompts, in over 100 fandoms (plus a LOT of crossover prompts!). Be inspired!

Angel the Series, Angel/Lilah, power
Angel the Series, Angel/Lindsey, hate
Angel the Series, Angel/Spike, antique
Angel the Series, Angel/Spike, sire
Angel the Series, Angel/Wesley, mpreg
Angel the Series, Angel/Wesley, restrain
Angel the Series, Angelus/Conner, lust
Angel the Series, Cordelia/Fred, paper
Angel the Series, Faith/Fred, wrist
Angel the Series, Faith/Illyria, blood
Angel the Series, Faith/Wesley, torture
Angel the Series, Fred/Lilah, common
Angel the Series, Gunn/Fred/Wesley, open
Angel the Series, Lilah/Lindsey, contract
Angel the Series, Lilah/Wesley/Fred, tie
Angel the Series, Spike/Lindsey, promise
Angel the Series, Wes/Faith, possesion
Angel the Series, Wesley/Doyle, happen
Angel the Series, Wesley/Faith, fire
Angel the Series, Wesley/Fred, fragile
Angel the Series, Wesley/Illyria, fragmented
Angel the Series, Wesley/Illyria, ink
Angel the Series, Wesley/Lilah, compromise

Battlestar Galactica, Adama/Tigh, flavor.
Battlestar Galactica, Chief/Helo, jail
Battlestar Galactica, Ellen/Callie, words
Battlestar Galactica, Helo/Boomer, run(ning)
Battlestar Galactica, Helo/Chief, determination
Battlestar Galactica, Helo/Chief, lost
Battlestar Galactica, helo/kara, earth
Battlestar Galactica, Kara/Helo, fly
Battlestar Galactica, Kara/Lee, gash
Battlestar Galactica, Kara/Lee, shadow
Battlestar Galactica, Kara/Leoben Conoy, apostle
Battlestar Galactica, Kara/Leoben Conoy, bleed
Battlestar Galactica, Kara/Leoben Conoy, desire
Battlestar Galactica, Kara/Leoben Conoy, fear
Battlestar Galactica, Kara/Leoben Conoy, handcuffs
Battlestar Galactica, Kara/Leoben Conoy, helpless
Battlestar Galactica, Kara/Leoben, lunch.
Battlestar Galactica, Kara/Leoben Conoy, reverent
Battlestar Galactica, Kara/Leoben Conoy, shame
Battlestar Galactica, Kara/Leoben Conoy, slam
Battlestar Galactica, Kara/Leoben Conoy, prayer
Battlestar Galactica, Lee/Helo, drunk
Battlestar Galactica, Kara/Leoben, flight
Battlestar Galactica, Kara/Leoben, sacrament.
Battlestar Galactica, Lee/Helo, bulkheads
Battlestar Galactica, Lee/Sharon, lost
Battlestar Galactica, Lee/Six, twelve
Battlestar Galactica, Lee/Starbuck, anger
Battlestar Galactica, Lee/Zak/Kara, drunk
Battlestar Galactica, Leoben/Six, skin.
Battlestar Galactica, Roslin/Adama, drink
Battlestar Galactica, Roslin/Adama, game
Battlestar Galactica, Roslin/Adama, solitude.
Battlestar Galactica, Roslin/Billy, partition.
Battlestar Galactica, Six/Baltar, suspicion.
Battlestar Galactica, Six/Sharon, dawn

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel/Willow, lost
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy/Faith, night
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy/Faith, red
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy/Giles/Faith, danger
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy/Willow, thank you
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Faith/Joyce, "Our Bodies, Ourselves"
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Giles/Anya, old
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Giles/Buffy, burn
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Giles/Buffybot, guilt
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Giles/Faith, colour
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Giles/Spike, water
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Giles/Wes, lesson
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Giles/Xander, learn
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Riley/Buffy, twist(ed)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spike/Buffy/Xander, string
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spike/Faith, battle
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spike/Faith, violence
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spike/Xander, amused
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spike/Xander, bubble
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spike/Xander, mark
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spike/Xander, time
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Willow/Oz, romance

CSI, Bobby/Nick, Texans
CSI, Catherine/Nick, muscle
CSI, Catherine/Warrick, Kiss
CSI, Gil/Greg, glass
CSI, Greg/Grissom, Breakfast
CSI, Greg/Nick, Superficial
CSI, Grissom/Nick, close
CSI, Grissom/Sara, experiment
CSI, Grissom/Sara, pretend
CSI, Jacqui/Grissom, Addict
CSI, Nick/Greg, desperate
CSI, Nick/Greg, exhausted
CSI, Nick/Greg, superman
CSI, Sara/Greg, first
CSI, Sara/Greg/Nick, seduction
CSI, Warrick/Catherine, fine
CSI, Warrick/Cathrine, girlfriend
CSI, Warrick/Nick, circle
CSI:Miami, Calleigh/Ryan, nail
CSI:Miami, Eric/Ryan, fight
CSI:Miami, Horatio/Calleigh, gun
CSI:NY, Adam/Kyle, Off
CSI:NY, Danny/Flack, cards
CSI:NY, Danny/Flack, Frankenstein
CSI:NY, Danny/Flack, Textbook
CSI:NY, Danny/Lindsay, crash
CSI:NY, Danny/Lindsey, country
CSI:NY, Danny/Mac rain
CSI:NY, Danny/Mac, office
CSI:NY, Flack/Aiden, black
CSI:NY, Flack/Hawkes, new
CSI:NY, Hawkes/Flack, proof
CSI:NY, Hawkes/Stella, breakroom
CSI:NY, Lindsey/Adam, hidden
CSI:NY, Lindsey/Flack, couch
CSI:NY, Mac/Danny, trust
CSI:NY, Mac/Lindsay, example
CSI:NY, Mac/Stella, help
CSI:NY, Stella/Hawkes, garden
CSI:NY, Stella/Hawkes, thought

Due South, Fraser (solo sex), suspenders
Due South, Fraser/a stranger, knees
Due South, Fraser/anyone, boots
Due South, Fraser/anyone, rope
Due South, Fraser/Quinn, epiphany
Due South, Fraser/Quinn, lesson
Due South, Fraser/Ray K distraction
Due South, Fraser/Ray K hidden
Due South, Fraser/Ray K trace
Due South, Fraser/Ray K, armpit
Due South, Fraser/Ray K, chicago
Due South, Fraser/Ray K, competetive
Due South, Fraser/Ray K, conondrum
Due South, Fraser/Ray K, forma
Due South, Fraser/Ray K, heatwave
Due South, Fraser/Ray K, history.
Due South, Fraser/Ray K, pencils.
Due South, Fraser/Ray K, lost
Due South, Fraser/Ray K, multi-task
Due South, Fraser/Ray K, red
Due South, Fraser/Ray K, skinnydipping
Due South, Fraser/Ray K, stake-out
Due South, Fraser/Ray K, Vecchio
Due South, Fraser/Ray K, yearn
Due South, Fraser/Ray K/Vecchio, Vegas
Due South, Fraser/Ray K/Vecchio, malt
Due South, Ray K/Vecchio, new clothes
Due South, Fraser/RayK, book
Due South, Fraser/RayK, candy
Due South, Fraser/RayK, Control
Due South, Fraser/RayK, Memory
Due South, Fraser/RayK, Lost
Due South, Fraser/RayK, Found
Due South, Fraser/RayK, Laughter
Due South, Fraser/RayK, Tattoo(s)
Due South, Fraser/RayK, fisting
Due South, Fraser/RayK/anyone, cuffs
Due South, Fraser/RayK/Frannie
Due South, Fraser/Stella, suck
Due South, RayK/anyone, mouth
Due South, RayV/Thatcher, blind
Due South, RayV/Thatcher, tongue

Firefly, Inara/Kaylee, crystal
Firefly, Inara/Kaylee, hair
Firefly, Jayne/Kaylee, Jury
Firefly, Jayne/Mal, dominant
Firefly, Jayne/Mal, mercy
Firefly, Jayne/River, retirement
Firefly, Jayne/River, tricks
Firefly, Jayne/Simon, drag
Firefly, Jayne/Simon, rough
Firefly, Jayne/Simon, sexuality
Firefly, Jayne/Simon/Mal, difficult
Firefly, Jayne/Simon/Mal, full
Firefly, Kaylee/Jayne, protect
Firefly, Kaylee/Jayne, seduction
Firefly, Kaylee/Mal, music
Firefly, Kaylee/Mal, passion
Firefly, Kaylee/Simon, jealous
Firefly, Mal/Inara, red
Firefly, Mal/Jayne, Executioner
Firefly, Mal/Kaylee, Judge
Firefly, Mal/Kaylee, Target Practice
Firefly, Mal/Kaylee/Jayne, Uncomplicated
Firefly, Mal/River, freedom
Firefly, Mal/River, glass
Firefly, Mal/Saffron, fool
Firefly, Mal/Simon, cowboy hat
Firefly, Mal/Simon, glasses
Firefly, Mal/Simon, rules
Firefly, Mal/Simon, sharp
Firefly, Mal/Simon, wet
Firefly, River/Inara, senses
Firefly, River/Inara, silk
Firefly, River/Jayne, humor
Firefly, River/Jayne, weapon
Firefly, River/Simon, loss
Firefly, Saffron/Niska, capita
Firefly, Simon/Kaylee, flowers
Firefly, Simon/Kaylee/Inara, toboggan
Firefly, Zoe/Jayne, burnt
Firefly, Zoe/Kaylee, grownup
Firefly, Zoe/Kaylee, help
Firefly, Zoe/Wash, candle
Firefly, Zoe/Wash, Honeymoon
Firefly, Zoe/Wash, rose

Gilmore Girls, Colin/Finn, dirty
Gilmore Girls, Colin/Finn, drunk
Gilmore Girls, Dean/Jess, car.
Gilmore Girls, Dean/Jess, fighting
Gilmore Girls, Dean/Jess, none
Gilmore Girls, Dean/Lorelai, drunk
Gilmore Girls, Dean/Lorelai, inn.
Gilmore Girls, Dean/Rory, endless
Gilmore Girls, Dean/Rory, first time.
Gilmore Girls, Dean/Tristan
Gilmore Girls, Dean/Tristan, broken
Gilmore Girls, Ginn/Colin, finals.
Gilmore Girls, Logan/Finn, sarong.
Gilmore Girls, Lorelai/Luke, star
Gilmore Girls, Lorelei/Jess
Gilmore Girls, Rory/Jamie, pity.
Gilmore Girls, Rory/Jess, present-day!jess.
Gilmore Girls, Rory/Logan, coffee
Gilmore Girls, Rory/Marty, future.
Gilmore Girls, Rory/Paris, assignment
Gilmore Girls, Rory/Paris, kiss

Harry Potter, Charlie Weasley/Oliver Wood, pitch
Harry Potter, Draco/Blaise, mistake
Harry Potter, Draco/Pansy, sheer
Harry Potter, Harry/Blaise, music
Harry Potter, Harry/Draco, entourage
Harry Potter, Harry/Draco, grin
Harry Potter, Harry/Draco, lick
Harry Potter, Harry/Draco, white
Harry Potter, Harry/Draco, witch's hat
Harry Potter, Harry/Luna, experiment
Harry Potter, Hermione/Charlie, mirror
Harry Potter, Lee Jordan/Ron Weasley, Arithmacy
Harry Potter, Luna/Ginny, feathers
Harry Potter, Oliver/Percy, rain
Harry Potter, Remus/Sirius, airplane
Harry Potter, Remus/Sirius, cellophane
Harry Potter, Remus/Sirius, sleep
Harry Potter, Remus/Sirius, wet
Harry Potter, Sirius/Bellatrix/Regulus, blue
Harry Potter, Sirius/Harry, photograph
Harry Potter, Snape, copper
Harry Potter, Snape/Lee Jordan, Apprentice

NCIS, Abby/McGee, corruption
NCIS, DiNozzo/Abby, addiction
NCIS, Gibbs/Abby, ASL
NCIS, Gibbs/Abby, Bananas
NCIS, Gibbs/Abby, elevator
NCIS, Gibbs/Abby, Laryngitis
NCIS, Gibbs/Abby, outted
NCIS, Gibbs/Abby, red
NCIS, Gibbs/Abby, ride
NCIS, Gibbs/Abby/Shepard, Please
NCIS, Gibbs/Abby/Tony, complete
NCIS, Gibbs/Abby/Tony, refuge
NCIS, Gibbs/DiNozzo, desperate
NCIS, Gibbs/DiNozzo, elevator
NCIS, Gibbs/DiNozzo, exposed
NCIS, Gibbs/DiNozzo, helpless
NCIS, Gibbs/DiNozzo, nerve
NCIS, Gibbs/DiNozzo, observed
NCIS, Gibbs/DiNozzo, rule
NCIS, Gibbs/DiNozzo, undercover
NCIS, Gibbs/DiNozzo, wet
NCIS, Gibbs/Tony, attention
NCIS, Gibbs/Tony, force
NCIS, Gibbs/Tony, outted
NCIS, Gibbs/Tony, Radio
NCIS, Gibbs/Tony, Video
NCIS, Jen/Ziva, Reunion
NCIS, Tony/Abby, Tight
NCIS, Tony/Jen, Take-Out
NCIS, Tony/Ziva, turn
NCIS, Ziva/Abby, teach
NCIS, Ziva/Gibbs, favor
NCIS, Ziva/Jenny, past

RPS CW, Chad/Jensen, jealousy
RPS CW, Jared/Jensen/Mike/Tom, water
RPS CW, Jared/Tom, umbrella
RPS Smallville, Mike/Tom, geek
RPS Supernatural, Jared/JDM, learning
RPS Supernatural, Jared/Jeff/Jensen, over
RPS Supernatural, Jared/Jensen, bites
RPS Supernatural, Jared/Jensen, gun
RPS Supernatural, Jared/Jensen, playful
RPS Supernatural, Jeff/Jared, shut up.
RPS Supernatural, Jensen Ackles/Jeffrey Dean Morgan, truck
RPS Supernatural, Jensen/Jared,
RPS Supernatural, Jensen/Jared, oompa loompa
RPS Supernatural, Jensen/Kripke, casting couch.
RPS Supernatural, Jensen/Sandy, cheating.
RPS Supernatural/Smallville, Tom/Jensen, backseat
RPS The Marx Brothers, Groucho/Harpo/Chico/Zeppo, stop
RPS, Callum Keith Rennie/Ashton Kutcher
RPS, Callum Keith Rennie/Katee Sackhoff, wall
RPS, Callum Keith Rennie/Rebecca Jenkins
RPS, Callum Keith Rennie/Sandra Oh
RPS, Christian Kane/Jensen Ackles, sweat
RPS, Hugh Dillon/ Callum Keith Rennie, jonesing
RPS, Hugh Dillon/ Callum Keith Rennie, backbeat
RPS, Hugh Dillon/ Callum Keith Rennie, spit
RPS, Hugh Dillon/Paul Gross, cuntface
RPS, Molly Parker/Paul Gross/Martha Burns
RPS, Molly Parker/Peter Outerbridge
RPS, Molly Parker/Sandra Oh
RPS, Paul Gross/Callum Keith Rennie

Smallville, Chloe/Clark, nails
Smallville, Chloe/Clark, now
Smallville, Chloe/Jason, dance
Smallville, Chloe/Jason, pride
Smallville, Chloe/Kal, keys
Smallville, Chloe/Lana, candyfloss
Smallville, Chloe/Lana, hate
Smallville, Chloe/Lana/Lois, practice
Smallville, Chloe/Lex, hate
Smallville, Chloe/Lionel, wicked
Smallville, Chloe/Whitney, summer
Smallville, Clark/Adam, open
Smallville, Clark/Alicia, cotton
Smallville, Clark/Alicia, laughter
Smallville, Clark/Alicia, soft
Smallville, Clark/Chloe, hats
Smallville, Clark/Chloe, passionless
Smallville, Clark/Chloe/Lex, middle
Smallville, Clark/Chloe/Lex/Jason, sweat
Smallville, Clark/Jason, home
Smallville, Clark/Jason, substitute
Smallville, Clark/Lana, Lex, voyeurism
Smallville, Clark/Lex eavesdropping
Smallville, Clark/Lex lessons
Smallville, Clark/Lex repetition
Smallville, Clark/Lex strength
Smallville, Clark/Lex, alien
Smallville, Clark/Lex, beg
Smallville, Clark/Lex, camera
Smallville, Clark/Lex, college
Smallville, Clark/Lex, costume
Smallville, Clark/Lex, cruel
Smallville, Clark/Lex, devious
Smallville, Clark/Lex, fragile
Smallville, Clark/Lex, geek
Smallville, Clark/Lex, illegal
Smallville, Clark/Lex, Latin
Smallville, Clark/Lex, loss of control
Smallville, Clark/Lex, nervous
Smallville, Clark/Lex, pedestal
Smallville, Clark/Lex, photos
Smallville, Clark/Lex, quiet
Smallville, Clark/Lex, reconciliation
Smallville, Clark/Lex, self-destruct
Smallville, Clark/Lex, shy
Smallville, Clark/Lex, slick
Smallville, Clark/Lex, tornado
Smallville, Clark/Lex, wet
Smallville, Clark/Lex, who?
Smallville, Clark/Lex/Alicia, wild
Smallville, Clark/Lex/Chloe, jealousy
Smallville, Clark/Lex/Lana, anger
Smallville, Clark/Lex/Lana, dildo
Smallville, Clark/Lex/Lois, Secrets that lie under clothes
Smallville, Clark/Lex's car(s)
Smallville, Clark/Lois, anguish
Smallville, Clark/Lois, dependence
Smallville, Clark/Lois, relief
Smallville, Clark/Lois, stranded
Smallville, Clark/Lois, trapped
Smallville, Fine/Lex, Clark, papers
Smallville, Kal-El/Lex, victory
Smallville, Lex/Adam, piano
Smallville, Lex/Chloe, lesson
Smallville, Lex/Chloe, used
Smallville, Lex/Clark/Adam, fire
Smallville, Lex/Deserted Island, heat
Smallville, Lex/Jason, bleeding
Smallville, Lex/Lana, beautiful
Smallville, Lex/Lana, black
Smallville, Lex/Lana, buttons
Smallville, Lex/Lana, end
Smallville, Lex/Lana, fight
Smallville, Lex/Lana, first
Smallville, Lex/Lois, desire
Smallville, Lionel!Clark/Martha, wrong
Smallville, Lionel/Martha, temptation
Smallville, Lois/Lana, escape
Smallville, Martha/Clark, comfort
Smallville, Martha/Lana, curve
Smallville, Martha/Lex, spice
Smallville, RedKClark/Isobel, tease
Smallville, RedKClark/OnyxLex, tame
Smallville, Zod/Kal El, beginning

Stargate Atlantis, Carson/Radek, restraint/restrained
Stargate Atlantis, Carson/Ronon, serious
Stargate Atlantis, Carson/Ronon, teacher
Stargate Atlantis, Elizabeth/Radek, night
Stargate Atlantis, Elizabeth/Ronon, capture
Stargate Atlantis, Elizabeth/Ronon, dance
Stargate Atlantis, Elizabeth/Teyla, pendant
Stargate Atlantis, Hermoid/Rodney, other
Stargate Atlantis, Hermoid/Zalenka, offer
Stargate Atlantis, John/Carson, horizon
Stargate Atlantis, John/Carson, rough
Stargate Atlantis, John/Elizabeth, survive
Stargate Atlantis, John/Laura Cadman, military
Stargate Atlantis, John/Radek, shave(d)
Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney explosive
Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney interlude
Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, 69
Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney/Ronon, birthday
Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, belly button
Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, bite
Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, chess
Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, church
Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, cloud
Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, Corey!!!!
Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, flirt
Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, handprint
Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, performance masturbation
Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, race
Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, sex manual
Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, tattoo
Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, tease
Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, thunder
Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, tickle
Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, withdrawal
Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, fantasy
Stargate Atlantis, Teyla/Elizabeth, power
Stargate Atlantis, Teyla/Elizabeth, dominance
Stargate Atlantis, Teyla/Elizabeth, weakness
Stargate Atlantis, Teyla/Elizabeth, comfort
Stargate Atlantis, Teyla/Elizabeth, red
Stargate Atlantis, Teyla/Elizabeth, tea
Stargate Atlantis, Teyla/Elizabeth, dawn
Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney/Beckett/Zelenka, home
Stargate Atlantis, John/Ronon, dare
Stargate Atlantis, John/Ronon, mud
Stargate Atlantis, John/Ronon, orders
Stargate Atlantis, John/Ronon, run
Stargate Atlantis, John/Ronon, uniform
Stargate Atlantis, John/Teyla/Rodney Jesses
Stargate Atlantis, John/Teyla/Rodney/Ronon Training
Stargate Atlantis, John/Teyla/Rodney Music
Stargate Atlantis, Lorne/Cadman, email
Stargate Atlantis, Lorne/Parrish, dog tags
Stargate Atlantis, Lorne/Parrish, gun
Stargate Atlantis, Lorne/Elizabeth, bronze
Stargate Atlantis, Radek/Carson, discreet
Stargate Atlantis, Radek/Ronon, formula
Stargate Atlantis, Radek/Ronon, truth
Stargate Atlantis, Rodney/Carson, hazard(ous)
Stargate Atlantis, Rodney/Radek, nurse
Stargate Atlantis, Rodney/Radek, silver
Stargate Atlantis, Rodney/Ronon, crush
Stargate Atlantis, Rodney/Ronon, instruct
Stargate Atlantis, Rodney/Ronon, misunderstand
Stargate Atlantis, Rodney/Ronon, perplexed
Stargate Atlantis, Rodney/Ronon, restraint
Stargate Atlantis, Rodney/Ronon/Teyla/John, shine
Stargate Atlantis, Rodney/Teyla Unexpected
Stargate Atlantis, Ronon/Carson, care
Stargate Atlantis, Ronon/Elizabeth, tradition
Stargate Atlantis, Ronon/Lorne, test
Stargate Atlantis, Ronon/Michael, blood
Stargate Atlantis, Ronon/Radek, quiet
Stargate Atlantis, Teyla/Carson, rub
Stargate Atlantis, Teyla/Ronon, sweat
Stargate Atlantis, Teyla/John, tease
Stargate Atlantis, Teyla/John, test

Stargate SG-1, Cameron/Daniel, constant
Stargate SG-1, Cameron/Daniel, hurry up
Stargate SG-1, Cameron/Daniel, language
Stargate SG-1, Cameron/Daniel, latin
Stargate SG-1, Cameron/Teal'c, fight
Stargate SG-1, Cameron/Teal'c, snow
Stargate SG-1, Clone!Jack/Clone!Daniel, push
Stargate SG-1, Clone!Jack/Daniel, top
Stargate SG-1, Clone!Jack/Skaara, equal
Stargate SG-1, Daniel/Cameron, close
Stargate SG-1, Daniel/Cameron/Sam/Teal'c, festival
Stargate SG-1, Daniel/Janet, spicy
Stargate SG-1, Daniel/Paul, distance
Stargate SG-1, Daniel/Vala, night
Stargate SG-1, Daniel/Vala, price
Stargate SG-1, Jack/Cameron, taboo
Stargate SG-1, Jack/Cameron, wear
Stargate SG-1, Jack/Clone!Daniel, over
Stargate SG-1, Jack/Daniel, dogtags
Stargate SG-1, Jack/Daniel, excitement
Stargate SG-1, Jack/Daniel, Fire
Stargate SG-1, Jack/Daniel, Glass
Stargate SG-1, Jack/Daniel, order
Stargate SG-1, Jack/Daniel, paper
Stargate SG-1, Jack/Daniel, Rain
Stargate SG-1, Jack/Daniel, Ripples
Stargate SG-1, Jack/Daniel, Sleep
Stargate SG-1, Jack/Daniel, touch
Stargate SG-1, Jack/Paul, beginning
Stargate SG-1, Jack/Paul, official
Stargate SG-1, Jack/Skaara, humor
Stargate SG-1, Jack/Skaara, memory
Stargate SG-1, Jack/Thor, after
Stargate SG-1, Sam/Cameron/Teal'c, old-fashioned
Stargate SG-1, Sam/Vala, motorbike
Stargate SG-1, Teal'c/Cameron, emerge
Stargate SG-1, Teal'c/Cameron, freeze
Stargate SG-1, Teal'c/Cameron, humour
Stargate SG-1, Teal'c/Vala, alien
Stargate SG-1, Teal'c/Vala, silver

Supernatural, Dean/Andrea, return
Supernatural, Dean/Jess, funeral sex.
Supernatural, Dean/Jess, hello
Supernatural, Dean/Layla, worship
Supernatural, Dean/Meg, fear
Supernatural, Dean/Meg, revenge
Supernatural, Dean/Meg/Sam, trap
Supernatural, Dean/OMC, bathroom.
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, 69
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, backseat
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, bonding
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, bored
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, brothers
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, cold
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, control
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, eternity
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, exhibitionist
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, experience
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, fool
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, forfeit
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, fun
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, growl
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, M&M's
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, mistake
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, new
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, secrets
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, smile
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, tangled
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, tender
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, wrinkle
Supernatural, John/Daniel, teaching.
Supernatural, John/OMC, comfort.
Supernatural, Sam/OMC, college.
Supernatural, Sam/Sarah, afternoon

Veronica Mars, Dick/Weevil, utility
Veronica Mars, Duncan/Logan, comfort
Veronica Mars, Lamb/Madeleine, legal
Veronica Mars, Logan/Beaver, coins
Veronica Mars, Logan/Duncan, fire
Veronica Mars, Logan/Veronica, bitter
Veronica Mars, Logan/Veronica, careless
Veronica Mars, Logan/Veronica, fury
Veronica Mars, Logan/Veronica, hurt
Veronica Mars, Logan/Veronica, love
Veronica Mars, Logan/Veronica, magic
Veronica Mars, Logan/Veronica, safe
Veronica Mars, Logan/Wallace, second
Veronica Mars, Logan/Weevil, bike
Veronica Mars, Logan/Weevil, other
Veronica Mars, Mac/Weevil, change
Veronica Mars, Veronica, class
Veronica Mars, Veronica/Lamb, not
Veronica Mars, Veronica/Lilly, shadow
Veronica Mars, Veronica/Mac
Veronica Mars, Veronica/Meg, follow
Veronica Mars, Veronica/Wallace, comfort
Veronica Mars, Veronica/Weevil, favor
Veronica Mars, Veronica/Weevil, favour
Veronica Mars, Vinnie, bugs

Crossover, Alias/Smallville, Sark/Lex, meeting
Crossover, Angel the Series/Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Connor/Dawn, wedding night
Crossover, Angel the Series/Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Illyria/Buffy, girl
Crossover, Angel the Series/Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Fred/Giles, glasses
Crossover, Angel the Series/Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Illyria/Giles, rain
Crossover, Angel the Series/Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Fred/Jenny, skirt
Crossover, Angel the Series/Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Lilah/Giles, bitter
Crossover, Angel the Series/Firefly, Fred/River, twisted
Crossover, Angel the Series/Pirates of the Caribbeans 2, Scruffy Norrington/Scruffy Wesley, standards
Crossover, Angel the Series/Stargate Atlantis, Fred/Elisabeth, Sunday
Crossover, Angel the Series/Stargate Atlantis,, Ronon/Groo, Nancy Boy Hair Gel
Crossover, Angel the Series/Supernatural, Fred/Dean, book
Crossover, Angel the Series/Supernatural, Lindsey/Dean
Crossover, Angel the Series/Supernatural, Lindsey/Dean, left
Crossover, Angel the Series/Supernatural, Wesley/Dean, scar
Crossover, Battlestar Galactica/Farscape, Starbuck/Aeryn Sun, violent
Crossover, Bones/Stargate SG-1, Brennan/Daniel, anthropology
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/21 Jump Street, Joyce/Penhall, substitute
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Farscape, Kennedy/Aeryn, spa
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Firefly, Giles/Simon skeptical
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Firefly, Inara/Faith, tangled up
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Silence of the Lambs, Faith/Clarice Starling, rose
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Smallville, Faith/Chloe, revenge
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Smallville, Spike/Lois, likeness
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Stargate Atlantis, Spike/Michael, bite
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Supernatural, Sam/Willow, levitate
Crossover, Charmed/Supernatural, any pairing from Chris/Wyatt/Sam/Dean, save
Crossover, Crossing Jordan/Monk, Matt/Randy, Promotion
Crossover, Crossing Jordan/NCIS, Matt/Tony, Football
Crossover, Crossing Jordan/NCIS, Matt/Abby, Burns
Crossover, Crossing Jordan/RENT, Nigel/Collins, Restaurant
Crossover, Crossing Jordan/NCIS, Nigel/Abby, Cigarettes
Crossover, Crossing Jordan/Grey's Anatomy, Matt/Alex, Vanity
Crossover, Crossing Jordan/Grey's Anatomy, Matt/Alex, Ice
Crossover, Crossing Jordan/Grey's Anatomy, Bug/George, Last
Crossover, CSI:LV/CSI:NY, Archie/Adam, Alliteration
Crossover, CSI/CSI:NY, Nick/Mac, case
Crossover, CSI:NY/Crossing Jordan, Danny/Matt, Beat
Crossover, CSI:NY/Crossing Jordan, Stella/Jordan, movement
Crossover, CSI:NY/LO:SVU, Stella/Olivia, Jury
Crossover, Deadwood/Firefly, Alma/Simon, heal
Crossover, Deadwood/Firefly, Inara/Trixie, cotton candy
Crossover, Deadwood/Firefly, Sol/Jayne, merchant
Crossover, Deadwood/The Sopranos, Carmela/Al, etiquette
Crossover, Due South/Farscape, Fraser/RayK/Crichton
Crossover, Due South/Fight Club, RayK/Tyler Durden/narrator
Crossover, Due South/Paris or Somewhere, Fraser/Cristy
Crossover, Due South/Suspicious River, RayK/Gary Jensen
Crossover, Due South/Twitch City, RayK/Newbie, Twinkies
Crossover, Due South/Victor/Victoria, Fraser/King Marchand
Crossover, Due South/West Wing, RayK/Josh Lyman, tender
Crossover, Farscape/Battlestar Galactica, Crichton/Kara
Crossover, Firefly/Angel the Series, River/Harmony, situation ethics
Crossover, Firefly/Farscape, Mal/John, hands
Crossover, Firefly/House, Simon/Wilson, archaic
Crossover, Firefly/Smallville, Clark/River, broken
Crossover, Firefly/Smallville, Clark/Simon, desolate
Crossover, Gilmore Girls/Smallville, Dean Forester/Chloe Sullivan, bounce
Crossover, Gilmore Girls/Supernatural, Dean/Dean, normal
Crossover, Gilmore Girls/Supernatural, Dean/Dean, small town trap
Crossover, Gilmore Girls/Supernatural, Dean/Dean, substitute.
Crossover, Gilmore Girls/Supernatural, Dean/Dean/Sam
Crossover, Gilmore Girls/Supernatural, Logan/Sam
Crossover, Grey's Anatomy/Supernatural, Denny/Izzie/Dean/Sam, accident
Crossover, Grey's Anatomy/Veronica Mars, Meredith/Dick
Crossover, Hannibal/Jekyll and Hyde, Hyde/Hannibal Lecter
Crossover, Harry Potter/Doctor Who, Ten/Remus, magic
Crossover, Harry Potter/Jekyll and Hyde, Hyde/Bellatrix
Crossover, House/Grey's Anatomy, House/Bailey, School
Crossover, House/Lost, Chase/Shannon, gold
Crossover, Hustle/Supernatural, Dean/Danny Blue, scam
Crossover, Monk/Crossing Jordan, Randy/Matt, Lieutenant
Crossover, NCIS/Crossing Jordan, Tony/Jordan, Marinara
Crossover, NCIS/CSI: NY, Gibbs/Mac, Training
Crossover, NCIS/CSI:LV, Gibbs/Greg, Test
Crossover, NCIS/CSI:NY, Mac/Gibbs, find
Crossover, NCIS/Firefly, Mal/Abby, Past
Crossover, NCIS/Numb3rs, Gibbs/Charlie, Bomb
Crossover, Numb3rs/CSI:LV, Greg/Charlie, Summer
Crossover, Numb3rs/CSI:NY, Don Eppes/Mac Taylor, dominance
Crossover, Numb3rs/CSI:NY, Don Eppes/Mac Taylor, eager
Crossover, Numb3rs/CSI:NY, Don Eppes/Mac Taylor, home
Crossover, Numb3rs/CSI:NY, Don Eppes/Mac Taylor, old
Crossover, Numb3rs/CSI:NY, Don Eppes/Mac Taylor, quiet
Crossover, Numb3rs/CSI:NY, Don Eppes/Mac Taylor, warmth
Crossover, Oz/Battlestar Galactica, Zarek/Keller, hobbies
Crossover, PrisonBreak/SV, Michael/Lex, favors
Crossover, Slings and Arrows/Buried on Sunday, Geoffrey Tennant/Gus Knickel, ghost
Crossover, Slings and Arrows/My Life as a Dog, Geoffrey Tennant/Johnny Johannsson, stagedoor
Crossover, Smallville/Angel the Series, Lex/Lilah, business
Crossover, Smallville/Angel the Series, Lex/Wesley, brutal
Crossover, Smallville/Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Clark/Buffy, equals
Crossover, Smallville/Supernatural, Chloe/Dean, lace
Crossover, Smallville/Supernatural, Chloe/Dean, lies
Crossover, Smallville/Supernatural, Chloe/Dean/Sam, alive
Crossover, Smallville/Supernatural, Clark/Dean, rescue
Crossover, Smallville/Supernatural, Clark/Sam, swim
Crossover, Smallville/Supernatural, Jason/Sam, opportunity
Crossover, Smallville/Supernatural: Lex/Dean/Jason
Crossover, Smallville/Veronica Mars, Chloe/Logan, sneaky
Crossover, Smallville/Veronica Mars, Clark/Logan, replacement
Crossover, Smallville/Veronica Mars, Clark/Veronica, prelude
Crossover, Smallville/Veronica Mars, Lex/Veronica, temptation
Crossover, Smallville/Veronica Mars, Logan/Lex, tuxedos
Crossover, Smallville/Veronica Mars, Lois/Logan, snark
Crossover, Smallville/X-Men, Mutant
Crossover, Supernatural /Angel the Series, Dean/Lindsey, whiskey
Crossover, Supernatural /Good Omens, Dean/Crowley, simpatico.
Crossover, Supernatural /Miracles, Dean/Paul, minx
Crossover, Supernatural /Stargate Atlantis, John/Janet, soothe
Crossover, Supernatural/Veronica Mars, Dean/Veronica, picture
Crossover, the O.C./ L.A Law, Sandy Cohen/Victor Sifuentes briefs
Crossover, the O.C./Supernatural, Seth/Sam, college.
Crossover, the O.C./Veronica Mars, Ryan/Weevil
Crossover, The Sopranos/Firefly, Tony/Kaylee, ducks
Crossover, The Sopranos/Firefly, Melfi/Inara, safety valve
Crossover, The Sopranos/Angel the Series, Melfi/Wes/Fred, conference
Crossover, The West Wing/Angel the Series, Sam/Cordelia, primary
Crossover, Tru Calling/ Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Faith/Jack, fate
Crossover, Veronica Mars/Gilmore Girls, Logan Echolls/Logan Huntzberger, super cool party people!
Crossover, Veronica Mars/Nancy Drew (1930s), Logan/Nancy, awakening
Crossover, Veronica Mars/The O.C., Logan/Seth, party
Crossover, X-Men/ Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Wolverine/Xander, arousal
Crossover, X-Men/Veronica Mars, Bobby/Troy Vandergraff
Crossover, Young Americans/Supernatural, Will/Sam, studying

24, Jack/Chase, undercover
24, Jack/Tony, savior

A Knight's Tale, Chaucer/William, support
A Knight's Tale, Chaucer/William, smirk
A Knight's Tale, Wat/Chaucer, dice
A Knight's Tale, Wat/Chaucer, parchment

A Song of Ice and Fire, Jon/Arya, snow (older arya)
A Song of Ice and Fire, Sandor/Sansa, home

Alias, Jack/Irina, truth
Alias, Jack/Will, need
Alias, Sark/Sydney, acidic
Alias, Sark/Sydney, implication
Alias, Sark/Sydney, playful
Alias, Sark/Weiss, smug
Alias, Sark/Will, fucked
Alias, Sydney/Vaughn, kink
Alias, Vaughn/Jack, her
Alias, Vaughn/Sydney, wait

Arthurian myths, Arthur/Lancelot, betrayal
Arthurian myths, Arthur/Morgaine, opposite
Arthurian myths, Guinevere/Lancelot/Arthur, may

Babylon 5, Garibaldi/OFC, once

Bible, David/Jonathan, arrow
Bible, David/Jonathan, wine
Bible, God/Lucifer, light

Blakes7, Blake/Dev Tarrant, tentative
Blakes7, Vila/Travis, shoe polish

Bones, Bones/Zach, teach
Bones, Booth/Bones, book
Bones, Booth/Brennan, title
Bones, Jack/Angela, art
Bones, Zack/Jack, bond

Boston Legal, Denny/Alan, cigar

Brimstone Zeke/The Devil Final
Brimstone Zeke/The Devil Los

Buried on Sunday, Gus Knickel (solo sex), tongue

Casablanca, Rick/Renault, gin.
Casablanca, Rick/Victor, cards.
Casablanca, Rick/Ilsa, palms.

Coupling UK, Sally/Susan/Jane, blonde

Crossing Jordan, Bug/Matt, Buggles
Crossing Jordan, Bug/Matt, Drums
Crossing Jordan, Bug/Nigel, Cast
Crossing Jordan, Bug/Nigel, Pinecone
Crossing Jordan, Bug/Nigel, Sanctuary
Crossing Jordan, Garret/Lily, Better
Crossing Jordan, Lily/Jeff, Love
Crossing Jordan, Matt/Jordan, Seek
Crossing Jordan, Matt/Lu, Compromise
Crossing Jordan, Matt/Nigel, Deceit
Crossing Jordan, Matt/Renee, Complications
Crossing Jordan, Matt/Woody, Everclear
Crossing Jordan, Matt/Woody, Football

D.E.B.S., Lucy/Amy, skirt

Dark Angel, Logan/Alec, difference
Dark Angel, Max/Alec, cement
Dark Angel, Max/Alec, comfort
Dark Angel, Max/Logan, first time
Dark Angel, Max/Logan, heat
Dark Angel, Max/Logan/Alec, connection

Dawson's Creek, Pacey/Joey, boat

DCU, Dick Grayson/Roy Harper, New York.
DCU, Dick Grayson/Clark Kent, air.
DCU, Stephanie Brown/Cass Cain, texture.
DCU, Tim Drake/Stephanie Brown, rooftop.
DCU, Oliver Queen/Dinah Lance, alley.
DCU, Dinah Lance/Barbara Gordon, pastries.

Dead Like Me, george/mason, post-reap
Dead Like Me, george/mason, self-esteem
Dead Like Me, mason/daisy, comfort
Dead Like Me, Mason/Daisy, tangerine
Dead Like Me, Mason/George, bar
Dead Like Me, Mason/George, cord

Dead Zone, Bruce/Johnny, revelation.
Dead Zone, Johnny/Walt, evidence.
Dead Zone, Johnny/Walt/Sarah, nestle.
Dead Zone, Walt/Sarah, Johnny

Deadwood, Alma/Trixie, cigarette
Deadwood, Calamity Jane/Alma, generosity

Diagnosis Murder, Steve/Jessi, wedding

Discworld, Susan/Lobsang, forever
Discworld, Vimes/Vetinari, one

Doctor Who, Mickey/Jake
Doctor Who, Ninth Doctor/Jack, stuck
Doctor Who, Ninth Doctor/Jack, trapped
Doctor Who, Ninth Doctor/Jack, slave
Doctor Who, Ninth Doctor/Jack, wet
Doctor Who, Ninth Doctor/Rose/Jack, birthday
Doctor Who, Ninth Doctor/Rose/Jack, slime
Doctor Who, Rose/Sarah Jane, water
Doctor Who, Rose/Sarah Jane/Doctor, metal
Doctor Who, Tenth Doctor/Jack, angry
Doctor Who, Tenth Doctor/Jack, reunion
Doctor Who, Tenth Doctor/OMC, love

Emergency Room, Neela/OMC, rape
Emergency Room, Neela/Ray, wedding

Farscape, Chiana/Sikozu, invert
Farscape, Chiana/Jool, shoes
Farscape, John/Aeryn, centrifugal
Farscape, Crichton/Chiana, pickpocket
Farscape, John/Aeryn, distance
Farscape, Scorpius/Sikozu/Braca, vicarious
Farscape, Stark/Zhaan, tendri

Forever Knight, Janette/Vachon, drink
Forever Knight, LaCroix/Nick/Vachon, lesson
Forever Knight, Natalie/Vachon, candle

Freaks and Geeks, Lindsay/Daniel, apple

General Hospital, Jason/Elizabeth, forever

Girl With A Pearl Earring, Vermeer/Griet, sensual.

Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley, doom
Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley, fire
Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley, meteor shower
Good Omens, Crowley/Aziraphale, biscuit
Good Omens, Crowley/Aziraphale, collar

Grey's Anatomy, Addison/Alex, replacement
Grey's Anatomy, Alex/Cristina, scalpel
Grey's Anatomy, Alex/Derek, plastic
Grey's Anatomy, Alex/Izzie, dish
Grey's Anatomy, Chief/Sheppard/Burke/Bailey, shower
Grey's Anatomy, Cristina/Burke, dry cleaning
Grey's Anatomy, Cristina/Burke, rough
Grey's Anatomy, Denny/Izzie, far future
Grey's Anatomy, Denny/Izzie, life
Grey's Anatomy, Derek/Mark/Addison, New York city
Grey's Anatomy, Derek/Meredith/Addison, crazy
Grey's Anatomy, Derek/OMC, college
Grey's Anatomy, George/Alex, apple
Grey's Anatomy, George/Alex, hidden
Grey's Anatomy, Izzie/Addison, tuba
Grey's Anatomy, Izzie/George, happy fuckbuddies

Hamlet, Hamlet/Horatio, guard.
Hamlet, Hamlet/Laertes, boots.
Hamlet, Rosencrantz/Guildenstern, seal.

Hard Core Logo, Joe/Billy, drop-outs.
Hard Core Logo, Joe/Billy, Mary.
Hard Core Logo, Joe/Billy, punchdrunk.
Hard Core Logo, Billy/Billy, Joe's grave.

His Dark Materials, Will/Lyra (as adults), dæmon

Hornblower, Bush/Hornblower, wet
Hornblower, Horatio/Archie, coins
Hornblower, Kennedy/Bush, great

House, Cameron/Chase, late night
House, Chase/Foreman, change
House, Chase/Foreman, eyebrow
House, Cuddy/Chase, sharp
House, House/Cameron, studious
House, House/Cameron, quiet
House, House/Cuddy, safe
House, House/Wilson, Cards
House, House/Wilson, forget
House, House/Wilson, funny
House, Wilson/Chase, aspirin

Jekyll and Hyde, Jekyll/Hyde, freedom

Jeremiah, Erin/Lee, run
Jeremiah, Jeremiah/Kurdy, car
Jeremiah, Jeremiah/Marcus, right
Jeremiah, Jeremiah/Theo, silence
Jeremiah, Marcus/lady behind glass, first time
Jeremiah, Marcus/Lee, job
Jeremiah, Marcus/Theo, bath

Laura R. King's Mary Russell series, Mary/Holmes, dirty

Law & Order, Goren/Eames, hands
Law & Order, Stabler/Benson, panties

Les Miserables, Enjolras/Grantaire
Les Miserables, Grantaire/Javert, tangled

Life on Mars, Sam/Gene, bitter
Life on Mars, Sam/Gene, brick

Lindsey Davis - Falco series, Marcus Didius Falco/Q. Camillus Justinus, linen
Lindsey Davis - Falco series, Marcus Didius Falco/Titus Caesar, coins

Lost, Ana Lucia/Eko, faith
Lost, Ana/Sawyer, again
Lost, Boone/Shannon, fingernails
Lost, Desmond/someone, food
Lost, Jack/Sawyer, scarlet
Lost, Sawyer/Ana Lucia, knife
Lost, Sawyer/Jack, nicknames
Lost, Sawyer/Jack, shower
Lost, Sawyer/Sayid, nicknames
Lost, Sayid/Sawyer, knot

Lucky Number Slevin, Slevin/Goodkat, teacher.

Man from U.N.C.L.E., Napoleon/Illya, intrigue
Man from U.N.C.L.E., Napoleon/Illya, picture

Mary Renault - The Persian Boy, Alexander/Hephaistion, open doorway

Monk, Stottlemeyer/Disher

Mr. and Mrs. Smith, John/Jane, explosion
Mr. and Mrs. Smith, John/OMC, beard

Narnia, Caspian/Edmund, land
Narnia, Susan/Peter, grown-up

Nero Wolfe, Archie/Saul, bet

Neverwhere, Richard/Marquis, tea

Northern Exposure, Joel/Chris
Northern Exposure, Joel/Ed, film
Northern Exposure, Joel/Maggie, flying

Numb3rs, Charlie/Amita, risk
Numb3rs, Charlie/Colby, Gumballs
Numb3rs, Charlie/Colby, Stalker
Numb3rs, Charlie/Terry, Seattle
Numb3rs, David/Charlie, Maid
Numb3rs, Don/Charlie, three
Numb3rs, Don/Larry, Bullet
Numb3rs, Don/Larry, Equation
Numb3rs, Don/Nadine, Fling
Numb3rs, Larry/Charlie, Teatime
Numb3rs, Terry/Charlie, Underage

Ocean's Eleven, Danny/Rusty, food
Ocean's Eleven, Danny/Rusty, youth

One Tree Hill, Dan/Karen, alone
One Tree Hill, Lucas/Haley, together
One Tree Hill, Lucas/Nathan, rain
One Tree Hill, Mouth/Peyton, time

Oz, Alvarez/Beecher, cold
Oz, Alvarez/Beecher, feel
Oz, Alvarez/Keller, survival
Oz, Alvarez/Keller, violence
Oz, Alvarez/O'Reily, cope
Oz, Alvarez/O'Reily, speed
Oz, Beecher/Andy Schillinger, street
Oz, Beecher/Andy Schillinger, water
Oz, Beecher/Keller, downfall
Oz, Beecher/Keller, macho
Oz, O'Reily/Beecher, friend
Oz, O'Reily/Beecher, twist

Paris or Somewhere, Christy/anyone, gun

Poltergeist:The Legacy, Derek/Nick, hurt

Pretender, Jarod/OFC, forever

Prison Break, Michael/Sara, wedding

Profiler, George/Richard, every day

Queer as Folk UK, Stuart/Nathan, pretend
Queer as Folk UK, Stuart/Vince, blood
Queer as Folk UK, Stuart/Vince, delicious
Queer as Folk UK, Stuart/Vince, ever after
Queer as Folk UK, Stuart/Vince, exploit
Queer as Folk UK, Stuart/Vince, manipulate
Queer as Folk UK, Stuart/Vince, nostalgic
Queer as Folk UK, Stuart/Vince, teenage

Queer as Folk US, Brian/Daphne, virgin
Queer as Folk US, Brian/Justin, foundation
Queer as Folk US, Brian/Justin, rage
Queer as Folk US, Brian/Justin, react
Queer as Folk US, Brian/Michael, watch
Queer as Folk US, Justin/Brian, warm

Red Dragon, Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham, piece
Red Dragon, Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham, struggle

Rent, Collins/Benny, Evita
Rent, Mark/Benny, Alone
Rent, Mark/Roger, blankets
Rent, Mark/Roger, heat
Rent, Mark/Roger, hunger
Rent, Mark/Roger, newspaper
Rent, Mark/Roger, scared
Rent, Maureen/Mark/Joanne, Faith

Rome, Vorenus/Pullo, green
Romeo and Juliet, Romeo/Mercutio, blade.

Roswell, Kyle, dirty

Sapphire and Steel, Sapphire/Steel, wavelength

Scrubs, JD/Cox, mop
Scrubs, JD/Turk/Carla/Elliott, 11:59pm

Seaquest, Lucas/OFC, telepathy

Sherlock Holmes, Holmes/Watson, pain

Slings and Arrows, Geoffrey Tennant/Darren Nichols, inspiration
Slings and Arrows, Geoffrey/Ellen, head.
Slings and Arrows, Geoffrey/Oliver, hush.
Slings and Arrows, Geoffrey/Darren, lines

Spiderman (movie), Harry Osborn/Peter Parker, high

SpongeBob, SpongeBob/Patrick Bubbles

Sports Night, Dan/Casey, banter
Sports Night, Dan/Casey, boxers
Sports Night, Dan/Casey, comfort
Sports Night, Dan/Casey, handwriting
Sports Night, Dan/Casey, paper
Sports Night, Dan/Casey, ribs
Sports Night, Dan/Casey, score
Sports Night, Dan/Casey, smile
Sports Night, Dan/Casey, sports
Sports Night, Dan/Casey, wordplay

Star Trek: TNG, Picard/Riker, stars

Star Wars, Han/Leia, heart
Star Wars, Jaina/Jag, source
Star Wars, Jaina/Kyp, never
Star Wars, Mara/Karrde, work
Star Wars, Obi/Qui, first
Star Wars, Padme/Obi, hide
Star Wars, Wedge/Iella, always
Star Wars, Wedge/Tycho, memory

Suspicious River, Leila/anyone

Tanya Huff's Shadow series, Tony/Lee, jealous

Temeraire (aka His Majesty's Dragon), Capt. Laurence/anyone

The L Word, Shane/Jenny, drug

The West Wing, Charlie/Zoey, anniversary
The West Wing, Josh/Donna, windowpane
The West Wing, Josh/Sam persuasion
The West Wing, Josh/Sam reunion
The West Wing, Josh/Sam, future
The West Wing, Josh/Sam, snark
The West Wing, Josh/Santos, outted
The West Wing, Josh/Santos
The West Wing, Sam/Ainsley, quiet
The West Wing, Sam/Will, future
The West Wing, Sam/Will, union
The West Wing, Toby/CJ, formal
The West Wing, Toby/CJ, rain
The West Wing, Toby/CJ, handwriting
The West Wing, Will/Charlie, capable
The West Wing, Zoey/Sam, discovery
The West Wing, Zoey/Will, love

Thought Crimes, Brendan/Freyla, commitment

Traders, Grant/Donald, closet.
Traders, Grant/Jack, chocolate.
Traders, Grant/Donald/Jack, dinner

Tru Calling, Avery/Tru, mistery
Tru Calling, Jack/Harrison, fist
Tru Calling, Tru/Harrison, bullet
Tru Calling, Tru/Jack, right
Tru Calling, Tru/Jack, win

Twitch City, Curtis/Newbie, couch.
Twitch City, Curtish/Newbie, Frooty-O's.
Twitch City, Curtis/Hope, closet.
Twitch City, Newbie/Hope, stockroom.
Twitch City, Newbie/Nathan, kitchen

Ultimate X-Men, Peter/Jean-Paul, tuxedo

Wilby Wonderful, Buddy/Carol, paint
Wilby Wonderful, Duck/Buddy, winter
Wilby Wonderful, Duck/Dan, spring

Will and Grace, Will/Jack, reading
Will and Grace, Will/Jack, wet

Without A Trace, Danny/Martin, glass
Without A Trace, Danny/Martin, lost

X-Files, Krycek/Cigarette Smoking Man, left
X-Files, Mulder/Cigarette Smoking Man, orange
X-Files, Mulder/Krycek, (Un)Predictable
X-Files, Mulder/Krycek, Breathing
X-Files, Mulder/Krycek, Need
X-Files, Mulder/Krycek, Signs
X-Files, Mulder/Skinner, compromised
X-Files, Mulder/Skinner, recordings
X-Files, Skinner/Krycek, fury
X-Files, Skinner/Krycek, survive

X-Men (Movie), Bobby/John, traitor
X-Men (Movie), Logan/Rogue, touch
X-Men (Movie), Scott/Jean, light
X-Men, Bobby/St. John, air
X-Men, Bobby/St. John, take
X-Men, Bobby/St. John, heart
X-Men, Kitty/Rouge, jealous
X-Men, Kitty/Wolverine, grace
X-Men, Rogue/Wolverine, claws
X-Men, Rogue/Wolverine, feral
X-Men, Rogue/Wolverine, power
X-Men, Rogue/Wolverine, wind
X-Men, Wolverine/Gambit, smell
X-Men, Wolverine/Rouge, red
X-Men, Xavier/Magneto, once

Young Americans, Finn/Will, teaching
Young Americans, Hamilton/Jake, high-heels
Young Americans, Hamilton/Jake, notebook
Young Americans, Hamilton/Ryder, anger
Young Americans, Will/Scout, summer
Young Americans, Will/Scout, vacation

(A huge thank you to ice_crystal, who valiantly stayed awake late last night helping me sort the prompts, and to everyone who suggested prompts.)


challenge: porn battle, challenge

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