Porn Battle - The first two days

Jun 11, 2006 19:45

Hot damn, there are some amazing entries for the porn battle already! I'm just... wow... speechless here!

Inebriated by seedyapartment (Gilmore Girls, Colin/Finn)
Suspense by malnpudl (Due South, Fraser (solo sex)
Duty Calls by malnpudl (Due South, Fraser/Kowalski)
Waiting to Fall by digitalwave (Supernatural, Dean/Sam, art)
In Thought by medie (Babylon 5, Garibaldi/OFC)
Touch by luke2 (X-Men, Rogue/Wolverine)
Last Minute Substitution by justabi (Smallville, Clark/Jason)
Oops! by mahaliem (Harry Potter, Draco/Blaise)
Untitled by by_starkiller (Doctor Who, Ninth Doctor/Jack)
Costume Party by mskatej (Smallville, Clark/Lex)
In Shallows and In Miseries by briarwolf (Harry Potter, Snape (hints of Snape/Potter))
By Name, By Nature by executrix (Firefly, Jayne/Simon)
Control by goss (Smallville, Clark/Lex, art)
Party Crasher by medie (Smallville, Chloe/Jason)
Cure For A Headache by topaz_eyes (House, Wilson/Chase)
Intense by edie22 (RPS CW, Jared/Jensen/Mike/Tom)
Reflective by edie22 (Harry Potter, Hermione/Charlie)
Unbreakable by mmmchelle (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy/Faith)
Torture by elementalv (Slings and Arrows, Geoffrey/Oliver)
Strangers in the Godswood by curtana (A Song of Ice and Fire, John/Arya (older Arya))
Sketch by penknife (Ultimate X-Men, Peter/Jean-Paul)
Lessons Unlearned by betrue (Smallville, Clark/Lex)
Our Slayers, Ourselves by executrix (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Faith/Joyce)
Untitled by dianehc (Smallville, Clark/Lex, art)
Humanoid Cylon Controlled Gen Sequence 1.2 by sageness (Battlestar Galactica, Leoben/Six)
Buying Time by nyghtpet (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spike/Faith)
It Takes Time To Disassemble a Whole Life by michellek (Grey's Anatomy, Izzie/Addison)
Buried Memories by iamtheenemy (Queer as Folk UK, Stuart/Vince)
Bring Out The Wired In Me by powerof3 (CSI:NY, Flack/Lindsay)
Beltane Eve by rosemaryandrue (Arthurian myths, Guinevere/Lancelot/Arthur)
Sometimes by ice_crystal (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spike/Xander)
Possession by betrue (Smallville, RedK!Clark/Onyx!Lex)
Patience by acampbell (Smallville, Clark/Lex's car)
We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Sex by burntsm0re (Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney)

Keep them coming! *g*

challenge: porn battle, challenge

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