Porn Battle Voting

Jan 22, 2006 21:22

Finally, I've got the voting organised on the Porn Battle. *puffs and pants* Next time, I vote for no voting! Then I get the fun and not all the work!

So, the categories are:

(1) "I Killed Fandom" award - vote for the slash stories most likely to have overheated fandom! As this category is so huge, you can pick up to three stories (no need to put them in any particular order).

(2) "I'll Be In My Bunk" award - vote for the hottest het fiction.

(3) "Spontaneous Combustion" award - vote for the art most likely to have fried computers world-wide.

(4) "So Wrong It's-Wrong, But Damn It's Hot And Hell Will Be Fun" award - I think the title says it all - it's wrong fic. Clones, real person stories, incest, priest fic, teacher/student and other wrong!pairings, etc - vote for the hottest.

(5) "Two Is Not the Only Number" award - solo sex or threesomes, art or fiction.
Sorry I didn't manage to use all the categories suggested, but I ended up going for the simplest options.

Not sure how I'm going to split two unicorns and a pony into five prizes, but I'll do my best!! Failing that, there's the honour of knowing you did your bit to raise the temperature fandomwide. *showers all the participants with glory*

I'll leave the voting open for a few days, so you've got a bit more time to read all the stories.

Up for award No. 1 - slash fiction:

Nothing to Fear, But.., SV, Lex/Clark, Slash NC17

Lip Service, SG-1, Jack/Daniel, slash, NC-17

The BlowJob Planet, SGA, Rodney/Shep, Grown-up, Slash, but a little het mention

Monday's Child, Harry Potter, Draco/Ron, NC-17, slash

There's A First Time For Everything, Stargate SG-1, Jack/Daniel, slash, NC17

A Frolic, Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney/Ronon, NC-17, slash

Untitled Porny Snippet, Due South, Fraser/Kowalski, slash, NC-17

Your Music Sucks!, SPN, Sam/Dean, slash, porn

The Game, Alias, Vaughn/Wiess, slash, R-ish?

Solving Problems, Firefly, Mal/Jayne, R, slash

Silk, Firefly, Inara/Kaylee, (fem)slash, NC-17

Breathe In, Supernatural, Sam/Dean, NC-17, slash

Sacrifice, SGA, Sheppard/McKay, NC-17, slash

Sensual Pleasures, Due South, Fraser/RayK, R, slash

Dream a Little Dream, Supernatural, Sam/Dean, PG-13ish/light R, slash

They Think They Know, X-men comicverse, Bobby/Remy (Iceman/Gambit), NC17, Slash

Re-connecting, Stargate SG1, Jack/Daniel, NC17, Slash

He Likes It, either SPN - Dean/Sam, or SGA - John/Rodney, or BtVS - Spike/Xander, slash, NC-17

Devolution, House MD, House/Foreman, slash, NC-17

The Sins of the Father, Smallville, priest!Lex/Clark, NC-17, slash

Makeup Sex, SV, Lex/Clark, Slash, NC17

Close Enough, Brokeback Mountain, Jack/OMC; Jack/Ennis, slash, NC-17

Like Hannibal Looking Across the Sea, SV, CLEX (future), slash, XXX

Silence Is Golden, SV, Clex slash, NC-17

Devil You Know, SGA, Mckay/Sheppard, NC17, slash

Everything He Does, SV, Clark/Lex, Slash, NC-17

Smooth, DC comics, Steph/Cass, NC-17, femslash

The Mercenary and the Politician, Alias/Smallville, Sark/Lex, NC-17, slash

Morning Glory, Firefly, Jayne/Simon, Over 18, Slash

First Everything, Nip/tuck, Matt/Adrian, PG-13ish, both

Cacoethes, SGA, Sheppard/McKay, slash, NC-17

Untitled rps porn, RPS, Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki, hard R, slash

Leonine, SG-1, Cameron/Teal’c, NC-17, slash

Complaining (Sort Of), CSI, Nick Stokes/Bobby Dawson, slash, NC-17

Truckin', The Sentinel, Jim/Blair/Sweetheart, Slash, NC-17

Right Now, Stargate Atlantis, Rodney/John, NC-17, slash

Holy Ground, SPN, Sam/Dean, slash, NC-17

Still Something (Pictures of Lily), Crossing Jordan, Bug/Seely, slash, NC-17

Proof of Life, CSI, Nick/Greg, slash, NC-17

Rising with the Tide, SGA , Sheppard/Dex, NC-17, Slash

The Storm, Smallville, Clark/Lex, slash, PG-13

Stupid, SGA, Sheppard/McKay NC-17, slash

Hope, Harry Potter, Blaise/Draco, PG-13ish, slash

The Barber of Moose Jaw, Due South, Fraser/omc, slash, NC-17

Ride, A:tS, Gunn/Lindsey, NC-17, slash

Untitled, original fiction series, Mazruar/Palin, slash, NC-17

Heavily edited excerpt from a not yet titled fic, HP, Remus/Sirius w/voyeuristic James, Slash, NC-17

Tony's Dream, NCIS, Tony/?, Slash, NC17

Crime Spree, Smallville, Clark/Lex, slash, NC-17

Untitled, SG-1, Reynolds/Paul Davis, implied Reynolds/Other, NC-17, slash

Rude Man Made Me Do It, SGA, Sheppard/McKay, slash, NC-17

Not More Than, NCIS, Gibbs/Tony, slash, NC-17

Smirk, Everwood, Bright/Ephram, NC-17, slash

Disgusting, Harry Potter, Harry/Draco, NC-17, slash

Learning Control, new Battlestar Galactica/Stargate: SG-1, Kara Thrace/Sam Carter, femslash, NC17

Peripheral Vision, House MD, Cuddy/Cameron, femslash, NC-17

Favourite Game, SV, Clark/Lex, slash, NC-17

Winner Takes All, Veronica Mars, Weevil/Logan, slash, NC-17

Cars, SV, Clark/Lex, slash, NC-17

Seducing the Serpent, Harry Potter, Tom Riddle/Blaise Zabini (AU), slash, NC-17

Up for award No. 2 - het fiction:

I Win, Firefly/Highlander, Jayne/Maxine, Het, R

You don't, Farscape, Aeryn/John2, NC-17, het

Coming in to Home, SGA, Weir/Sheppard, NC-17, het

Meet me in the Alley, Angel the Series Cordelia/Angel, NC-17, het

Flight Check, BSG, Kara/Lee, Het, R/NC17(?)

Library Sex, Harry Potter, surprise pairing, het, NC-17

Pressing Charges, Veronica Mars, Lamb/Veronica, Het, NC-17

Down, Firefly, Kaylee/Simon, Over18, Het

No Words, SG-1, Daniel/Vala, het, NC-17

Sparkle, Veronica Mars, Logan/Veronica, NC17, het

So Hard it Stings, Smallville, Clark/Chloe, het, NC-17

Coitus Interruptus b, Firefly, Jayne/River, het, R

Unzipped, Firefly, Kaylee/Mal, adult, het

Give and Take, Doctor Who, Ten/Rose, het, NC-17

Up for award No. 3 - artwork:

the smell of both, Stargate Atlantis, Rodney McKay/Radek Zelenka, NC17, Slash

Solo Act, SGA, John, NC-17

Lazy, X-men, Gambit, PG13, Slash

Desire, Smallville, Lex/Clark, R, slash

Longing Glances, Smallville, Clark/Lex, slash, R

Mating Habits, Crossing Jordan, Bug/Seely, slash, 18+

Have No Halo Nor Haze, RPS, Tom Welling/Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki, R, Slash

Feeding Habits, Crossing Jordan, Bug/Seely, 18+, slash

Award No. 4 I'm leaving up to you - whatever you think is wrong enough to count! *g*

Finally, for award No. 5 - solo sex or threesomes:

A Frolic, Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney/Ronon, NC-17, slash

Solo Act, SGA, John, NC-17

A Thin Line, Smallville, Clark - Implied Clex, R

Lazy, X-men, Gambit, PG13, Slash

Center of Attention, The OC, Seth/Summer/Ryan, NC17, slash & het

Truckin', The Sentinel, Jim/Blair/Sweetheart, Slash, NC-17

Watching, House MD, Wilson/House/Julie, threesome (slash), NC-17

Heavily edited excerpt from a not yet titled fic, HP, Remus/Sirius w/voyeuristic James, Slash, NC-17

An Exercise in Restraint, NCIS, Gibbs/Tony/Abby, het and slash, NC-17


I've set all comments to be screened, so you can safely leave your votes in the comments without anyone else being able to see. Please don't vote for yourself! You don't have to vote in all categories - just make sure the votes are formatted something like this (award No. and title), so I can see which vote is for which category and add them up easily:

1. Slash story title

2. Het story title

3. Artwork title

(If they're untitled, please include the author/artist name!)

If I've made a mistake/left anything out, sorry!!

challenge: porn battle, challenge

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