Wanna see my finger?
Every time I look at it, I am reminded of Dave, the comic book artist who used to run Pokemon card games at Wizards (when I was working there seven years ago). Whenever something was really awful, whether it was a game he couldn't win or an injury or an illness, he said it was "brutal." I can still hear the way he said it, and
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Comments 21
did you hit bone?
It does look like it is healing and I'm sure it'll look even better as time goes on.
As far as pain goes, only the first few days were bad. I actually took the percoset the hospital gave me, and that's strange for me -- I didn't take anything after my c-sections! But after a couple days, just Motrin was good enough. Now, it really doesn't hurt unless Ronin bumps it hard (or steps on it, that hurt a lot).
I think your finger looks a lot better than I had expected it to. Does it still hurt?
It doesn't hurt much anymore, only if it gets bumped or banged into.
I am so, so sorry... when you first said "I cut off part of my finger" I registered it the way I have seen people use that phrase before, which was "I cut off a little of the tip of the fleshy part, and it'll look a little dented but mostly fine, it just hurts right now."
But holy shit. I didn't know you meant THAT. I practically fell over when I saw that first one.
So I thoroughly apologize for not properly being worried and sympathetic the first time around :(
My mom says maybe this will make me stop biting my nails, but I sincerely doubt it. ;-)
It doesn't hurt much anymore, it's just ugly!
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