"It's been long enough."

Dec 30, 2005 17:04

I have posted the final chapter and the epilogue of "A Guardian's Legacy". They can be found here and here, respectively. Or, if you have some time to spare and are so inclined, you can read the whole thing from the beginning46 chapters. 146,489 words (!). Once upon a time, I had a childhood ambition -- someday, I would write a novel. Well, here it ( Read more... )

posting, agl, writing

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Comments 6

I kunstarniki December 31 2005, 01:25:31 UTC
I feel like I should have something momentous to say,

How can you have anything left to say? I know that strange vacant feeling when the last sentence has been set down, closing a long work. It is as though some vital organ had suddenly taken it upon itself to vanish, just disappear without a goodbye or a word's warning. You will find yourself, I think, reaching for the thing which was there and feeling bereft until another hatchling comes along to start to fill the hollow. For now, you may find it helpful to rest and let your disciplined mind drift over the landscape of your thoughts. Soon enough, the demanding voice will be shouting in your writer's ear and you will be longing for a holiday.

I am looking forward to reading this conclusion tomorrow when my critic's eye and brain are fresh and prepared to do justice to the ending of your opus. Now, go cuddle some kittens. ;)


Re: I owlmoose December 31 2005, 08:24:03 UTC
It is as though some vital organ had suddenly taken it upon itself to vanish, just disappear without a goodbye or a word's warning.

It is rather like that. Like there's something I'm forgetting to do -- oh, wait, no, it's already done. (I didn't feel quite like that with The Confessional because I had all those epilogues to write, and that was over a much shorter time frame anyway.)

For now, you may find it helpful to rest and let your disciplined mind drift over the landscape of your thoughts.

Too late for that. :) The next story has already presented itself. And it's not anything I was expecting -- this sort of popped up out of nowhere. Actually I spent much of today beating it back, to keep myself in the right frame of mind to finish my edits on AGL! (I don't want to share details yet because it might fail miserably; I want to start setting it down first, see if I can get it to work.)

Now, go cuddle some kittens.Done. ;) I also spent some time whacking monsters in a universe utterly removed from Spira, which was nice for ( ... )


angeltaisha December 31 2005, 01:34:26 UTC
Congratulations! That is a big deal indeed. It's always hard after a story is done to just let it go; I find I suffer a small sense of loss when I'm finished writing something. Then again, maybe I'm just being a baby, lol.

Anyway, Woo Hoo!


owlmoose December 31 2005, 08:26:19 UTC

Thanks! It is hard to let it go, to really realize that it's finished and that I'll never write any more of it again. First it was all in my head, and then it was slowly taking shape, and now all I can do is read it. It's out of my control, in the world all by itself. I'm so excited to be able to say that it's done, but I also miss it already. If that sounds silly, so be it. :)


sphekiko December 31 2005, 03:14:45 UTC
I feel stupid that I have so little to say.

Congratulations and thank you. =D


owlmoose December 31 2005, 08:39:47 UTC
I feel stupid that I have so little to say.

Heh. No worries, you've already given me a lot.

Congratulations and thank you.

Thank *you*. Really. :)


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