"It's been long enough."

Dec 30, 2005 17:04

I have posted the final chapter and the epilogue of "A Guardian's Legacy". They can be found here and here, respectively. Or, if you have some time to spare and are so inclined, you can read the whole thing from the beginning.

46 chapters. 146,489 words (!). Once upon a time, I had a childhood ambition -- someday, I would write a novel. Well, here it is. It's not exactly how I thought it was going to happen, back then, but how often can we really predict the future?

I still can't quite believe it. Even though I typed the words "The End" and changed the status to "Complete" and put that same word in the summary. I've been traveling with Auron for a long time now, and it's so weird to think that the journey is finished. Well, this particular journey anyway. I feel like I should have something momentous to say, something that will wrap it all up, but nothing is coming to mind. Maybe that's just as well.

The End.

posting, agl, writing

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