Random Fandom Stuffdom

Jun 04, 2007 11:18

Took Owen on a couple of tall ships docked down by all the festivities in town and got to wander aboard the Lady Washington - aka the Interceptor. Fastest ship in the Caribbean, loves.

Locally, and supposedly worldwide though I can't for the life of me figure out where else they are doing it, you can go watch Serenity as a benefit for Equality Now. ( Read more... )

joss, vm, potc, buffy

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Comments 7

13_moons June 4 2007, 18:41:38 UTC
Hey, didya get pictures of you guys on the Interceptor? :D

I've never watched a show with a plucky and badass blonde teenage girl and her cadre of trusty sidekicks before but oh wait...that was me in high school, wasn't it? :D


owens_mom June 4 2007, 18:54:38 UTC
I did! Well, no pics of me, cuz eww, but pics, yeah. :D


13_moons June 4 2007, 19:59:42 UTC
Aw, c'mon, no pirate get-up for you?


owens_mom June 4 2007, 20:09:40 UTC
Ha. I'd make a terrible pirate...the two ships were docked side by side and the one not next to the wall was barely bobbing - its on a river, for pete's sake - and I was like 'get me off this thing before I hurl!'


13_moons June 4 2007, 21:37:39 UTC
Oh no, really? Lol! I love boats. I could totally live on one, far out to sea...but with internet access, natch. And a pirate. Must have a pirate. ;)


theonetruebix June 6 2007, 04:02:43 UTC
owens_mom June 6 2007, 16:56:48 UTC
Sweet, thanks!


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