since delta decided to cancel my 6am flight this morning[1], i got a bluebird evening yesterday to actually do stuff, rather the frantic-packing-and-going-to-bed-at-9 that was originally on my agenda.
badger and
maegwynn were having
Sundayc/kraftwe/orkmusic/k at badgerhaus... so clearly, it was time to (
Get Shit Done(tm) )
Comments 4
sounds like a whole lot of lovely stuff--yay for bonus time to Get Stuff Done! but tell me about the bluebird.
sorry for the horribly prosaic answer. but if it helps any, i always think of it more in the sense of "a gift from the bluebird of happiness."
Dr. Who:"Yes, but wouldn't it be wonderful if you could get that feeling of satisfaction without doing anything?"
In any case, congrats on getting not one but several round toits.
i tried on the sandals yesterday, and they do appear to be repaired enough to wear around, altho i don't think i'll try swing-dancing in them any time soon...
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