The Chronicles Of Sono Asahina - Chapter 3

Nov 11, 2010 22:42

Mikey: Well I'm back. Today is a short one, but I hope you will stick with me because it's also a bad one.


I Don't Own Haruhi Suzumiya,but i do own Sono

Mikey: I believe you've mentioned that - EVERY FREAKIN' CHAPTER! If it's on I'm pretty sure that's a given.

Chapter 3

Mikey: Officially making it about... um let's say - six chapters to long.

Haruhi and Sono's Conversation on the cellphone

Mikey: Warning - Warning; we are now entering into canon defilement! Turn back now before it's to late!

I was asleep at my own home until

Mikey: As opposed to sleep in a gutter where your sue belongs.

Strange thing is I get this image of her sleeping in a nice cozy bed well Mikuru sleeps on the floor wearing only a collar and ripped up pink PJs -
I also imagine Poor Mikuru is crying, begging to be important again well sue chuckles evilly in her sleep.
Mikuru's to cute to hurt any worst than she already has been in series - poor Mikuru...

*cellphone rings*

I had to answer it.

Mikey: Otherwise the plot wouldn't move forward - I'm sorry I assumed there was a plot.

I said on the phone "Hello?"

Mikey: Seven days!

Then I heard "Hey Sono!"

It was Haruhi calling me at night

Mikey: Oh canon - how fun it be to rape you! Seriously Sono you are not; and I say this in the nicest way possible, KYON! Haruhi has no crush/closeness to you. This was stated before! You aren’t important to her! This seems to be something most fanfic writers forget so I will repeat it again. Kyon is the person Haruhi trusts the most, he is the person she talks to! Yeah she likes the others in her own way, but she doesn't really talk to them. Sono=/=Kyon!

I said to her "What's the holdup?"

Mikey: "What's the holdup?" WTF kinda greeting is that? Gee I'm talking to a god-like reality bender who in many ways is a mary sue herself (or else) - I think I will be rude! After all I am her bestest friend! She loves me! Kyon? Who? Seriously did she forget his reason for being in this series? If Sono is so loved by Haruhi why is Kyon even here?

She told me "I'm looking for an exchange student

to join the SOS Dan."

Mikey: Please tell me you mean someone to replace Sono?

I replied to her "Hope he's charming and dreamy."

Mikey: Itsuki... yeah he lies a lot, is annoying, knows no personal space, and his entire personality may or may not be faked for Haruhi. Such a charming man! Well at least he's "pretty" which is the same thing- if your a fan of Twilight.

Haruhi said to me "Since your sister,Mikuru,is

Mikey(sue): Myyyyyyy~ sister~ MiNe!!!!

I know a lot of people misuse comma’s; even me, but that has to be one of the worst misuses I have ever seen! Also must she remind us every minute about how she is Mikuru’s sister? She’s already a full fledged sue yet she still feels the need to leech off the poor girl!

the mascot, I got one question for you. do you

Mikey(Brainwashed Haruhi): Mikuru is of little importance oh great sue!

cosplay like your sister?"

Mikey: She wasn't already? Damn I'm losing track of the thin plot. Mostly because Sono only knows how to give very vague statements about what she's doing - her thoughts (if she has any) and appearance are a mystery to me... At least she's "moe".

I replied "Yeah, Haruhi."

Haruhi said to me "Sono, I'll get you a maid outfit

Mikey: Wouldn't a dominatrix be more of Sono-sue's style?

since you're my middle school friend-"

Mikey (Haruhi): Sure me having no friends was a plot point that removing destroys this story, but I wuv the wittle special snowflake known as Sono!

I added "-now in North High."

Mikey: ISN'T SHE- screw it! I hope she trips in front of a bus and gets run down.

Haruhi said "See you tomorrow at school!"

Mikey: You are playing toss darts a Sono right? PLEASE TELL ME THAT'S WHY YOU WANT TO SEE HER! PLEASE! I'm caps locking so it must be true!

I replied "I will." and hanged up my cell.

Mikey:. [Hangs himself]

Sono: A nice conversation with Haruhi is so cool!

[Just then Haruhi and the rest of the SOS brigade burst in]

Haruhi: See; this is the schools legendary phantom room, I told you it was real.

Kyon: It looks more like an abandoned club room [notices him hanging].

Haruhi:[Notices the fanfic] Hold on a minute; Who is this Sono!? Does she wanna join the SOS Brigade?

Kyon: [Getting him down before he dies] Help us out here Haruhi!

Haruhi: This fanfic sucks!

Michael: [cough] It-it can't be.

Haruhi: [Looking though the sporking records] That's it! From now on you have the SOS Brigade's full support in Sporking this crap!

Review it please!

Haruhi: You better believe I'll review this crap!

Kyon: Just don't go starting a flame war. Listen maybe we should just-


Mikey: Well I guess we'll be seeing you next week!

Kyon: You just going to let her?

Mikey: It'll be fun!

Kyon: *Sigh* Fine.




Table of Content

bad fanfiction, sporking with mikey, suethor: sono asahina, sporking, the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya, anime, the chronicles of sono asahina

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