Another guy ranting to the bus driver about politics: "Yeah, and in those countries where they have that Muslim government, that really strict, you know, what is it, She-Ra Law?"
In UW Hospital cafeteria -- a group of students discussing their classes: FIRST STUDENT: "I was writing about streptocroccus .. " THE OTHERS: "Streptocroccus!" (Laugh) FIRST: "Yeah, streptocroccus! That's a crocodile with a fungal infection!"
ANOTHER STUDENT (arriving late): "Sorry I'm late, there was a blockage in the HIV lanes."
SCCC, waiting in line for the financial aid lady, 2-16-10
GAL: "Hey, it's Mardi Gras." A GUY: "What's Mardi Gras?" OTHER GAL: "It's, you know, Fat Tuesday." FIRST GAL: "You know, when the girls get the beads by lifting up their .. ?" GUY: "Oh, yeah."