Thought of the day...

Oct 15, 2010 06:44

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government. --Thomas Jefferson

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Comments 9

jurann October 15 2010, 16:39:41 UTC
I believe he and Ben Franklin also said that governments become corrupt every few decades and the option to violently revolt should be exercised by an arms-bearing populace when that happens... It's been about 160 years now since we had one, I think it's long overdue.


overbear October 15 2010, 16:53:11 UTC
1787 Nov. 13. "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure." - Thomas Jefferson


blackswan666 October 15 2010, 22:53:34 UTC
LOL, if only we could do that. While yes, it's long overdue, those who revolted would be imprisoned or killed as "terrorists" and enemy combatants. :/


jurann October 16 2010, 00:53:12 UTC
Only if you fail, only if you fail... ;D

The point of violent revolution is a complete overthrow of the existing government. If you succeed you are heroes and will be remembered forever - if you fail then yes, you'll be executed as treasonous enemy combatants. That's the issue with revolution, and why it takes so long to get one rolling - it really has to be a situation where the revolt can win without being decisively defeated.


brikarjo October 15 2010, 16:53:08 UTC
Unfortunately our fore Fathers have been gone too long and Govt has run amuck.

The thought of the day is a good bad it's fallen on Death Ears :(


blackswan666 October 15 2010, 22:51:42 UTC
Deaf ears, you mean?


brikarjo October 16 2010, 08:06:36 UTC
Yes; I screwed up...


equinas October 17 2010, 22:50:50 UTC
The quote is great, but it as you say, it falls on deaf ears, because the people who should be remembering these great teachings believe, to their core, that the Founders are no longer relevant. It's like telling them that Jack-in-the-Box said it. They just don't care.


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