Fancy that

Dec 26, 2007 00:49

The Fifth Doctor is actually rather unamused by the decorations the Inn has taken on. Now, not only has his TARDIS been attacked and decorated by another Doctor and his lovely mutant friend, but he's surrounded by them here, too. He's actually considering venturing outside with a good cup of tea, but for now, he'll remain at the window. There's a ( Read more... )

out of inn, robert chase, grace holloway, the doctor (eight), the doctor, ben sullivan, the doctor (five), kitty pryde, lucy saxon, the tardis (five)

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Comments 74

smithnjones December 26 2007, 06:08:44 UTC
Martha has been leaning against the window for a while. She's felt a bit cooped upw ith all of the decorations here and spending most of her time so far napping.

It just happens that she looks over and smiles in Five's direction, noticing him there for the first time.

"Well, someone isn't looking very jolly." Teasing look.


celery_love December 26 2007, 06:11:18 UTC
Looking up at the sound of a familiar voice, he offers a smile to Martha.

"Oh no, it isn't that at all. I find Holidays rather interesting, actually." The annoyance filters back in, "But my poor TARDIS has suffered damages, all thanks to a regeneration of mine." He's trying not to sound bitter, he really is.


smithnjones December 26 2007, 06:15:03 UTC
"The TARDIS? But what's happened to her?" Martha has practically formed a relationship with the TARDIS from all the travelling around with the Doctor and she's learned that the TARDIS has a mind of her own. And Martha has come to referring to her as such.

She misses the TARDIS so much and she can't help, but hope its all right... with the Weeping Angels having kidnapped it.


celery_love December 26 2007, 06:17:32 UTC
"He decorated it, you know. The Doctor -- er, well, my Eighth -- and his little friend have gone and decorated her, they have." Not that this is a particularly bad thing, but Five is very protective of his TARDIS, "Not that the old girl minds it. She condones it!"

Maybe he's over reacting, but oh well. Even he's allowed to every so often. "I'm just not quite sure I like it."


lucy_in_his_sky December 26 2007, 06:16:43 UTC
As Lucy moves down the stairs, she's a little surprised to see all the decorations that seem to have sprung up overnight. However, she's learned early on not to question the going-ons of this place and moves passed it all, initially to her preferred corner where she might be able to get some writing done.

And then she spots a certain blond Australian whom she's not talked to in ages.

"Well," she starts as she approaches the other. "You seem like you're in a particularly good mood this evening. Filled with the Christmas spirit, I take it?"


intensivistmd December 26 2007, 06:19:53 UTC
There's only a grin, "I s'pose so, yes. And what of you? How have you been?" The blond actually stands from his seat to offer a small hug.

After all, it has been a good while since he has seen Lucy, so something is deserved.

And oh! He has to tell her all about Ben, too.


lucy_in_his_sky December 26 2007, 06:29:35 UTC
A shrug. "The usual, I suppose." The hug catches her a little off guard but she'll return it and look! She even give shim a slight smile.

Moving to sit across from him, she'll think up a cup of coffee of her own before nothing the gift. "For Bed?"


intensivistmd December 26 2007, 06:38:57 UTC
The smile she wears sparks one of his own.

Chase settles back into his seat and looks to the gift before nodding, "Yeah, it is." He removes it from the bag and actually shows the gift to her, a photoalbum of sorts.

"I took your advice, you know," he murmurs, looking up at her, "And thank you. Really, thank you very much." Oh, if he isn't practically glowing.


allthroughtime December 26 2007, 06:25:25 UTC
Eight is looking slightly displeased as he comes in from the outside but hsi mood doesn't stay like that for too long. The decorations make him grin and think of the somewhat similar setup that his Fifth incarnation had in his TARDIS.

However, what had been a mildly amused grin will soon turn into a delighted smile as he spots a certain cardiologist who he hasn't seen in what feels like forever.


Please don't mind the hugging, he's just excited.


heldbackbydeath December 26 2007, 06:29:56 UTC
For moment, she is absolutely terrified of the arms around her, of the person who has called out her voice because, well, she doesn't quite recognize them.

However, the moment she notices that it happens to be the Doctor, she smiles and hugs him back tightly.

"Doctor!" She states, shocked more than anything, "When did you get here? It's good to see you!"


allthroughtime December 26 2007, 06:35:05 UTC
Circling around the couch so that he might sit down next to her, he grins. "I should be asking you the same thing! Surely you haven't been here that long, have you? I've been here quite a while myself. Left once or twice but back now."

He studies her closely for a moment. "You haven't changed at all have you? Not one bit."


heldbackbydeath December 26 2007, 06:41:44 UTC
"No, I haven't." There's a warm laugh and she shakes her head, "And really, I thought meeting you was very strange, but this place..."

When his eyes are upon her, she raises a brow, "I would hope not. You haven't known me for that long." Another laugh.

She's in a good mood.


kingofgaychickn December 26 2007, 06:29:37 UTC
The narration is nice and allows Ben back into the Inn, because technically he's left... apparently. It all happened without being role played out, but it... happened?

He comes bouncing in with a gift in his hand and blinks, immediately, staring up at the Inn for the first time in a couple weeks.

"Wow, that was good timing." Ben looks over and sees Chase, which brings a mischievous grin to his lips. "Fantastic timing, in fact. Good goin' Inn." He gives it a pat.


intensivistmd December 26 2007, 06:34:31 UTC
Honestly, Chase hadn't been expecting to see Ben so soon, as he hadn't seen him about the Inn recently.

So when he does see the other practically bounce in, there's a broad smile.

"You're in a good mood, eh?" He calls out, smile fading to a smirk.


kingofgaychickn December 26 2007, 06:40:48 UTC
"Of course!" Ben calls back. "It's Christmas!"

He smirks and bounds over to him, leaning down to press a kiss to his lips. Ben slides into a seat next to him and sets the gift he has for Chase on the table.

"And the Inn has amazing timing. I'd just bought this... for you, cause it's Christmas in California, too. Believe it or not."


intensivistmd December 26 2007, 07:03:04 UTC
Returning the kiss, Chase smiles.

"Does it?" He looks to the gift with great curiosity before he slides his own over to the other male. Granted, he hadn't quite bought his, but it works all the same.

"That is good timing. And is it really? I'm not even sure of the time for Jersey." He looks to his gift, "Is it safe to open?" A smirk.

When Ben opens his, it will be a leather bound photo album, slim and elegant and on the pages? Some of the polaroids he managed to swipe from Ben, and even some he himself took at the wedding. There will be pictures of Ben and those Chase knows he's very close to and at the end?

And one picture of the two of them that someone had managed to snag from the wedding, too.


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