Fancy that

Dec 26, 2007 00:49

The Fifth Doctor is actually rather unamused by the decorations the Inn has taken on. Now, not only has his TARDIS been attacked and decorated by another Doctor and his lovely mutant friend, but he's surrounded by them here, too. He's actually considering venturing outside with a good cup of tea, but for now, he'll remain at the window. There's a ( Read more... )

out of inn, robert chase, grace holloway, the doctor (eight), the doctor, ben sullivan, the doctor (five), kitty pryde, lucy saxon, the tardis (five)

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lucy_in_his_sky December 26 2007, 06:16:43 UTC
As Lucy moves down the stairs, she's a little surprised to see all the decorations that seem to have sprung up overnight. However, she's learned early on not to question the going-ons of this place and moves passed it all, initially to her preferred corner where she might be able to get some writing done.

And then she spots a certain blond Australian whom she's not talked to in ages.

"Well," she starts as she approaches the other. "You seem like you're in a particularly good mood this evening. Filled with the Christmas spirit, I take it?"


intensivistmd December 26 2007, 06:19:53 UTC
There's only a grin, "I s'pose so, yes. And what of you? How have you been?" The blond actually stands from his seat to offer a small hug.

After all, it has been a good while since he has seen Lucy, so something is deserved.

And oh! He has to tell her all about Ben, too.


lucy_in_his_sky December 26 2007, 06:29:35 UTC
A shrug. "The usual, I suppose." The hug catches her a little off guard but she'll return it and look! She even give shim a slight smile.

Moving to sit across from him, she'll think up a cup of coffee of her own before nothing the gift. "For Bed?"


intensivistmd December 26 2007, 06:38:57 UTC
The smile she wears sparks one of his own.

Chase settles back into his seat and looks to the gift before nodding, "Yeah, it is." He removes it from the bag and actually shows the gift to her, a photoalbum of sorts.

"I took your advice, you know," he murmurs, looking up at her, "And thank you. Really, thank you very much." Oh, if he isn't practically glowing.


lucy_in_his_sky December 26 2007, 06:52:49 UTC
She picks through it with careful fingers, examining each page before moving to the next.

"It's very nice," she tells him after a while. "I'm sure he's going to love it."

The smile grows just slightly as he tells her of what he's been up to. "Really now? Well good, I'm glad it all worked out for the best."


intensivistmd December 26 2007, 07:12:01 UTC
"I hope so," Chase nods, looking at it even as she pokes through it.

His smile grows wide again and there is a nod, "I am, too. But I honestly do owe you one." A look of realization washes over his face, "I have a gift for you, I do."

He thinks up his gift for her, a small box, and offers it. When she does open it? Well, she'll find a simple silver bracelet. He didn't think she would like anything too complicated, but he still thought it would be elegant either way.


lucy_in_his_sky December 26 2007, 07:29:30 UTC
She shakes her head at the other but doesn't argue. Really, what's the point? If he's happy let him be happy.

At the mention of a gift, she raises a brow and takes the box, examining it closely for a brief second. Under the table a thin box will appear in her lap because Chase isn't the only one who can give gifts.

"It's beautiful," she states when she opens it. Immediately she will slip the bracelet on and study how it looks on her. "Thank you."

It is at this point when she'll reach down and retrieve her gift to him. It's simple really, just a rather nice pen but she'd heard of his fondness for the things and it seemed to work well enough.


intensivistmd December 26 2007, 07:51:35 UTC
"Good, I wasn't sure if you would like it or not." A smile, "You're very, very welcome."

When he opens his own and finds the pen, there is a broad smile, "Thank you." He's fiddling with it momentarily before he actually thinks up a crossword and fills in one of the blanks with it.

Oh, Lucy, he's more happy than he'll even bother to admit.


lucy_in_his_sky December 26 2007, 08:04:13 UTC
There's a pleased grin on her face as she sees how well he takes to the pen. "Good," she replies, one hand still fiddling idly with her bracelet. "I thought you would appreciate it but I was still a bit unsure."

It amuses her how, on occasion, they seem to think on the same wavelength.


intensivistmd December 26 2007, 08:42:04 UTC
"We seemed to have had the same thought," He laughs again and shakes his head.

Thinking up a cup of coffee for himself (because really, it's no meeting with Lucy without it), he sips at it.

"What have you been up to about here? I've not seen you in a while." He's a little concerned for her, but he has no real reason to be. It's general worry, so don't mind him. Either way, he gives her a smile.


lucy_in_his_sky December 26 2007, 08:58:48 UTC
There's a small laugh at the appearance of the coffee and she raises her own glass. "Cheers?"

A shrug. "Not that much, mostly staying out of sight, I'd say." She won't add that she pinned Ben down at one point and had a nice chat with him. "And yourself?"

She's also making it a point to ignore the worry in his voice because even if she did want to tell him anything, she knew she wouldn't want to put Chase in that kind of a position.


intensivistmd December 27 2007, 05:46:34 UTC
"Cheers, indeed." He raises his mug to her and grins before taking a good gulp of it.

"'ve been sleepin', actually." Not the whole time, but for a good amount of the time, "Finally, anyway. It really had been a good while since I up and slept well."

He might poke at her later, might question it, but for now, he'll let it drop. Because Chase is just good at that.


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