The old man is careful
not to shut the door behind him completely.He is very old, and has the unhealthy look of someone who hasn't seen the sun for a while. His clothes are barely more than rags and rope, and his long, grey hair hangs in greasy, matted strings. He smells, not to put too fine a point on it, as though he hasn't had a chance to
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Comments 66
She's ironing by the fire. In the Inn, ironing is probably not necessary for her to do at all. She could just think it and have it done, but ironing is more of a stress relief thing for her. And if she's not doing something she feels restless and useless.
Edna looks up from the iron, surveying the newcomer. "Now don't you look like you just came straight off 'o livin on the streets? You best think yourself up some clothes and a cup of strong tea. Some food ought to do you good too. Go ahead, just think it, and it'll appear. It's all... magical like that."
There's wide hand waving in front of her even wider chest to emphasize the magical.
((OOC: Welcome! I'm Carissa. :D So good to have new players in the Inn! Welcome!))
He peers very curiously at the woman, who isn't like anyone from any of the nations he's seen before. The notion of different worlds makes it easier to accept, as does the offer of tea.
"Is that so? How convenient," he says, and strokes his beard thoughtfully. There's a momentary pause, and then his ragged garments reform themselves into a set of serviceable deep green robes, trimmed with gold. He looks greatly pleased with the transition.
"That is much better. I thank you." He places his hands together and bows slightly to Edna. "Are you the proprietor of this Inn?"
(ooc: Call me Andy. =D Thanks for the welcome!)
Edna sets her iron down when he bows at her and flushes a bit, patting her hands together in front of her and touching the side of her face lightly.
"Why, I never- Nobody's ever bowed to me before!" There's a squee of embarrassed delight in her voice. "Me? Oh no! I'm not the proprietor of... of anything! Certainly not in my bathrobes!"
She flushes a darker red and tries to use her big hands to cover herself. "I'm just someone who wandered in that door there just like you did!"
Bathrobes look like standard clothing from Iroh's point of view. Robes are very stylish this season! And, you know, every other season too.
"If I may assume, for a moment - we aren't in the Fire Nation right now, are we? Or the Earth Kingdom?"
She did say other worlds, but he'd rather know for certain.
She's sitting in a chair nearby, feet propped up on a small table. Her hair is tied back tightly (though perhaps not quite as tight as usual), and she's holding a cup of something that smells vaguely alcoholic. The Inn, she's discovered, is a nice opportunity to relax.
(OOC: Hi from another newb!)
The bowl of steaming tea that appears in his hands gets an appreciative look. "How marvellously useful. Can I think up food as well?"
"I seem to be in need of a table. May I borrow yours?"
"Welcome to the Outside Inn. It's something of a different place, and will provide you with whatever you need when you think of it."
Finding yourself in a new world is no reason to be impolite. Iroh bows to the lady and the young girl he assumes is her child.
"Are you the proprietor of this establishment?"
"I'm happy to help, though I'm simply another guest here. It's a welcome place to stay for any who need it."
He smiles at the little girl. "Bend from the waist," he advices her, and bows to her directly.
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