FIC (drabble) - "Bloody Torchwood"

Aug 28, 2007 13:10

Title: Bloody Torchwood
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Gwen/Rhys, Captain Jack Harkness
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine, no claims, all property of the BBC.
Notes: Spoilers for "Combat". I've written this theme before, and will write it again. Cross-posted to my LJ, outside_bf, and tw100.

Bloody Torchwood

Rhys hated Captain Jack Harkness sight unseen, starting the day Gwen met him, when she came home pissed, and passed out at the computer. Lied about who she'd been with. Easy to guess that meant she'd been with Harkness.

That was when the lies started.

Had Rhys been Gwen, he would have discussed the job offer before accepting it, raise or no raise. But he wouldn't lie to her, either.

Then Rhys got a good look at Harkness, and suddenly it was clear why she ran when he called. Smart bastard in a greatcoat. God's gift to Cardiff.

Bloody Torchwood.


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