my only question is, does this mean their theory that the planet is only 3 K years old has to be re-evaluated? Or is science still faulty w/ their carbon dating?
Then again, it is utah, therefore, mormon. Maybe it just helps perpetuate the theory that they're all crazy. who knows...
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Comments 6
I'm pretty sure that, relativity aside, time is time, and you'd biologically age the same over 91 4-day "years" as one 365-day year.
Mormons see themselves as the extension and perfection of Christianity, in the same way that Christians seem themselves as the extension and perfection of Judaism. Mormons may call themselves Christian, but their beliefs (especially concerning the trinity, one of the core tenets of all of the established Christian branches) are different enough that they don't really fit into that group any more than Christians can be considered just a different sect of Judaism.
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