Reread/Game Schedule & Rules

Jul 20, 2009 17:49

Outlander Book Discussion and Game Rules
I'm sure there are many of you out there that have read these books so many times you don't even need to read them again so feel free to discuss with us as we go along. There is no commitment involved here just free chatting!

I don't want there to be a lot of rules because we all want to go nuts talking or jabbering on about Outlander, plus we want to freely air our opinions on things and subjects. So....

1. Respect everyone's opinions on whatever it is they are talking about. You can disagree (because it would be dull if we all agreed) but be kind. Give your points and be opened to seeing someone else's side because the minds of Outlander fans are sooo intriguing.

2. When posting about a portion of a book or even re-posting a discussion questions from one of our past checkpoints, please put the bulk of your text behind a cut. This will also help prevent people from being spoiled if they've just begun the series and have joined up here on LiveJournal. Also we ask that the book title be in the subject. If you are replying to one of the Book Checkpoints please put the number of the checkpoint in the subject (ie Outlander Checkpoint #1).

3. For any games we might be participating in. All rules for the game will be posted in the game starting post. It will be more fun if you comment on other people's choices and/or share links to thing that will help us understand what your answer means (ie song pics for couples... link to lyrics would be great or link to a YouTube video with the song).

4. Have fun! This is important. *lol* Which means if you find anything fun to post regarding Outlander, Scotland, Diana, a character or anything close.... DO IT! It will be fun! I'm talking casting ideas (since a movie is coming), icons, music that fits, locations, ANYTHING! Please use the tags provided!

Have Fun!


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