This Place Sure Has Gone Downhill Lately

Feb 06, 2009 13:02

Who: Dawson, Daisy
What: Looking for Entertainment
When: February 5th, 8 pm
Where: Realm of the Unwanted/Clearing Township
What with the lack of murderous rampages, burning villages to the ground. It's a shame. )

daisy, dawson, 02/05

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Comments 5

daisy_harrison February 6 2009, 21:15:16 UTC
Daisy had just slipped her jacket on when she heard a call from ouside the door. Rolling her eyes she pushed her black hair over her shoulder and walked over to the door. Placing her hand on the cold metal handle she opened the door and looked at Dawson, "You know you call me crazy but there is logic in my craziness. Your just to naive to realize it." She chuckled and looked at him, "So tell me, what do you want, No. wait let me guess. You're bored as hell and are looking for entertainment beyond the bedroom and realm. Am I right Mr. Tight Pants?" She twirled her long black hair around her fingers as she waited for his reply.


thomas_dawson February 6 2009, 21:29:17 UTC
Right. Logic to her craziness. And he was the drunken army ant uncle of a monkey on fire. Wait, even he didn't understand that particular twisted metaphor of his. Ah well, no problem with that ( ... )


daisy_harrison February 6 2009, 21:37:41 UTC
Daisy smirked, "I have to be smarter than you give me credit for. I'm the only longcoat that is female and manages to keep from being captured by stupid Tin Man." She pushed past him, "I don't have to bet anything, I know." She walked down the stairs that led to the main bar shoving past a drunk she called, "Come on slow poke or I'll shoot you!" Walking out the door she looked around and raised an eyebrow at a drunk guy that was talking to a pole like it was a hooker, "How romantic." she said sarcastically, before adjusting her jacket collar.


thomas_dawson February 14 2009, 00:15:29 UTC
Only bitch Longcoat indeed, "You wouldn't've known it if you listened to half those bastards whine." Would have thought that their ranks had been made solely of dim witted morons and hormonal females. "'Sides, the Tin Men and their supposed-fucking-ly Last Stand was annuals ago. Don't know of any who were afraid of the so called law til recently. Now there is all this order and law-abiding crap to deal with ( ... )


daisy_harrison February 14 2009, 00:22:01 UTC
Daisy smirked and walked out. Following him towards the ladder that lead up to the realm above she began climbing. "You know this has got to be the stupidest realm entrance and exit I have ever laid eyes on." Working her way up the ladder as he talked she said, "You act like I'm some idiot. I know the way." Reaching the top finally she used one of her hands to fix her hair she kept a firm grip on the steel ladder bar in front of her.


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