Relationship Spell

Dec 03, 2008 19:46

Who: Lavender, Dave and Scraps
What: Relationship Spell, finally.
When: Febuary Eight about half three.
Where: Lavender's Room.


02/08, lavender, dave, scraps

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Comments 20

purplerhino December 4 2008, 04:18:38 UTC
Dave Patterson was running gun certification testing on a dozen guards. Both still and moving targets and the old pop outs ( ... )


hrhlavender December 4 2008, 11:19:55 UTC
The men walked past Turnbull as if he was invisible. Well, no, actually, because he was wearing his dress uniform, which was rather bright. They just treated him like a large 'thing' in their way.

Turnbull was used to being treated like that, often surprised when he wasn't. He had gotten recertified just last week and received, as usual, full marks, hence his assignment to the Queen. "Excuse me, sir. Her Highness requests Your Presence immediately."


purplerhino December 4 2008, 20:44:12 UTC
"Look, I had nothing to do with the Queen's underwear ending up on Karma's head, I swear." Dave held up his hands to ward Turnbell off.

Of course there was never any such incident, or Dave would have either heard of it or participated. But the look on Turnbell's face at the mention of her Majesties well... unmentionables, was worth it.

"Relax, I made it up." Dave rolled his eyes.

He couldn't exactly chide the man for being an exemplary guard. But oh how he wished he could get Turnbell so shit-faced drunk he couldn't pronounce his own name. The man needed to loosen up off duty.

"Her Majesty is in her office now, isn't she?"


hrhlavender December 4 2008, 20:55:56 UTC
"S..sir?" Turnbull went bright red.

Made it up? Part of Turnbull wanted to slap him for impugning the monarch like that. "Of course, sir." Slapping a superior officer is considered inappropriate. "Uh... no, sir. She's in her rooms. She also asked me find Miss Scraps." He pondered that.


scraps_molly December 4 2008, 20:59:50 UTC
Scraps was in Glitch's lab. The two of them were bent over a contraption made of the oddest assortment of gears and parts ( ... )


hrhlavender December 4 2008, 21:08:12 UTC
"I shall try in her lab!" Turnbull declared. Ok, it was Glitch's lab, but didn't Scraps work in there too?

He knocked politely on the door before entering. "Begging your pardon, sir and miss. But the Queen requests Miss Scrap's presence in her rooms. She has something urgent to discuss." Turnbull waited patiently.


scraps_molly December 5 2008, 00:14:43 UTC
"Are we having radishes for dinner?" Scraps looked at Turnbull. "I like to have them with a soft butter, nice a fresh ( ... )


hrhlavender December 5 2008, 00:22:57 UTC
Naturally, Dave arrived before the Queen first. He stood quite formally, obviously expecting official business, possibly about the day her daughters were to head to the Other Side. But Lavender didn't want to think about that right now.

"Sergeant," she smiled, hoping to put him at ease. "My daughter requested that I teach her a few things as Tutor's teaching didn't seem to be quite... sticking. Having it been some time since having to think about magic, I thought to look up some simple spells, in particular, a relationship spell." She handed him the page with the relationships clearly mapped. "You understand why I asked for you."

A knock came at the door. "Your Highness," Turnbull announced Glitch and Scraps.


purplerhino December 7 2008, 00:43:51 UTC
Dave looked a bit dazed at the Queen's gesture. "I... thank you, Majesty. Thanks for... this ( ... )


hrhlavender December 7 2008, 00:49:27 UTC
"The South Gardens, Ambrose," Lavender reminded him gently.


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