Little girls are cute and small only to adults.

Aug 24, 2008 22:19

Who: Az, Little Mouse, Eliza (and whoever is with her at the time)
What: Asking questions and making new friends
When: February 1st, just after 7 PM
Where: Palace, searching for Eliza

To one another they are not cute. They are life-sized. )

az, little mouse, eliza, 02/01, scraps

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Comments 12

xlittle_mousex August 25 2008, 05:51:03 UTC
Little Mouse Followed Azkadeilia. Her hand in AZ's larger one she looked down at the floor at the question. Before looking up she shook her head no and said with her signs, "I followed you further behind, My Mother doesn't know I followed. Unless she has noticed me and my horse missing or at least one of us.....Are you going to send me back?"


az_of_the_oz August 25 2008, 06:13:28 UTC
Letting her sandaled feet lead her where she wanted to go, Az kept her eyes on the girl, reading what she was saying. And, what she was not. The answer was there before Az's dark eyes ever saw the tiny dancing movements of her hand, there was no possible way Penthesila knew that her daughter knew that she had suddenly left one Queendom and traveled to another ( ... )


xlittle_mousex August 25 2008, 16:33:26 UTC
Little Mouse listened to Azkadeilia as she spoke before saying,

"I followed because I wanted to see places outside the Tribe area. And I knew I could follow you because you knew the outside areas better than I do. I was tired of being stuck in one location. I wanted to see other places...Am I in trouble? Are you going to tell my Mother? Will I be punished?....Wait did you say you were the Princess!?"


scraps_molly August 25 2008, 18:21:23 UTC
In the kitchen Scraps was teaching Eliza how to play checkers with little coconut cakes and chocolate ones. Each captured piece promptly was eaten, sure to cause a sugar high in both females.

Scraps jumped two coconut cakes and stuffed one into her mouth as she leaned against the cutting board holding the paper checkerboard.

"Yow goetten erenee goo a dis" was said around a mouthfull of sweet.

Scraps looked up to see Az and a little girl enter.

She swallowed quickly. "Az, I'm teaching'liza checkers."


spiffeh_eliza August 27 2008, 20:22:56 UTC
Oh she'd gotten down to dinner on time thanks to one of the maids still assigned to make sure Kat and Eliza don't get lost and eat every meal of every day. For some reason, both females were terrible at remembering to eat at the right time and ended up in the kitchens at odd times, getting sweets. This time, Katra wasn't with Eliza. She'd left the girl with Sarah for a little bit, wandering off to play with the kitten, and that was the last the girl saw of her guard today ( ... )


az_of_the_oz August 28 2008, 06:26:59 UTC
Az decided to answer at least some of the young Ix warrior's question before she pushed open the door to the Kitchens. "I don't know," she answered truthfully. "Little Mouse, we are going to have to send a message to your mother. I'm sure she's noticed your absence and will likely be very worried." While she could understand the girl's curious nature, as she had been a little girl herself once, and had had DG as a little sister (not to mention Eliza running around), she was afraid that she was going to actually have to act like a responsible adult and not just a wayward Princess ( ... )


xlittle_mousex August 28 2008, 17:30:12 UTC
Little mouse looked at the girl curiously and then looked at the woman before waving to Eliza. She then began flourishing her hands in signs,

"Hello, Eliza. I'm Little Mouse, You can call me LM or Mouse for short. I'll have to teach you my sign language as I cannot speak."


scraps_molly August 29 2008, 02:30:51 UTC
Scraps grinned at the newcomer. "Great. I'm Scraps. At least that's what everyone calls me so that has to be my name. It's more fun to play hide and seek with three. Do you play jacks? The twin yells when he steps on them if you forget to pick them up when your done."

Scraps watched the flying hand gestures with fascination. "Is that a kind of hand dance? Do you and Az want some of these little cakes?"


az_of_the_oz August 29 2008, 04:12:10 UTC
Realizing she needed to keep translating, although she could bet that Eliza would pick up the sign language quickly. As children tended to learn new languages faster than adults, she had read that somewhere, and Little Mouse's was already based on the language they all spoke. So it was rather simple to learn if you applied enough time to it ( ... )


scraps_molly August 29 2008, 04:42:12 UTC
"Still better than starving. Eating garbage can make you sick. I don't recommend it. Cakes and chocolate is the best part of sharing the palace."

Scraps passed over a captured cake. It was Eliza's. But then Scraps was playing chocolate, so to oblige she had to give away one of Eliza's winnings.

"The bakers are gonna be starting to make the bread for tomorrow before long. If you wait a few hours you can come back and get a slice all hot from the ovens."

Scraps loved the food here. The ready availability as much as the flavors.

She still refused to fill up. Deep down she was always ready to run. There was the waiting for something to go wrong and she'd have to fly away, and you couldn't run well on a full tummy.

That did not stop her from occasional sugar highs. If people considered her energetic normally, they should see her after she ate sweets.

"It's your job to indoctrinate Miss Mouse to the joy of chocolate cake," Scraps informed Az solemnly.


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