Who: Az, Little Mouse, Eliza (and whoever is with her at the time)
What: Asking questions and making new friends
When: February 1st, just after 7 PM
Where: Palace, searching for Eliza
It occurred to Az once they had left Dave and the others to head back into the Palace, that she had no idea where Eliza would be at that moment. When she asked one of her temporary, or not she was not exactly sure, guards what time it was, she was informed that it was indeed after normal dinner time. She had been so drawn to Jeb, a shower and bed earlier, that she had ended up sleeping through the evening meal. Not that she regretted the handful of hours of sleep she managed to grab, not when they were the most restful she had had in over a week.
'Perhaps we'll check the Kitchens first,' she concluded. 'I know Eliza loves the hustle and bustle of it all as much as I do.'
Setting off in that direction, the girl's hand back in hers as they walked, she looked down to speak to Little Mouse. "Little Mouse," she began slowly, not quite sure how she was supposed to approach this sort of conversation. "Does your mother know you're here?" Last she had seen the girl, had been the night before she had left the camp of the Ix tribe. She and her guards had risen before the suns were even fully over the horizon, saddled up and riding as dawn was not only not broken, but not even cracked.
Now the tiny warrior appeared out of the blue seven hours after her arrival, and she could barely believe it.